门脉高压消化道出血介入治疗 门静脉瘤出血栓塞 部分脾栓塞术 TIPS治疗顽固性腹水 孤立性胃静脉曲张 门静脉血栓 先天性门腔静脉分流
  • [新辅助TIPS] TIPS适应症:外科术前/新辅助TIPS 日期:2021-08-18 15:55:53 点击:99

    Extrahepatic surgery is associated with higher postoperative morbidity and mortality in patients with cirrhosis[137]. 肝外手术与肝硬化[137]患者术后发病率和死亡率较高相关。 The reported mortality is between 10% to 30%, while the perioperativ...

  • [门静脉血栓] TIPS适应症:门静脉血栓 日期:2021-08-16 23:33:03 点击:99

    Non-tumoral PVT is the most common thrombotic event in patients with cirrhosis, with an annual incidence of up to 12%[127,128]. 非肿瘤性PVT是肝硬化患者中最常见的血栓性事件,每年的发病率高达12%的[127,128]。 Asymptomatic presentation is comm...

  • [乳糜胸腹水] TIPS适应症:乳糜腹水和乳糜胸水 日期:2021-08-16 22:41:28 点击:99

    Of all cases of cirrhosis-related ascites, only 0.5%-1% is chylous[112]. The underlying mechanism is believed to be excessive hepatic and gastrointestinal lymph flow and pressure secondary to PH, which may lead to spontaneous rupture of ser...

  • [门脉高压胃/肠病] TIPS适应症:门脉高压胃病 日期:2021-08-11 11:09:33 点击:99

    PHG is characterized by vascular ectasia, which appears as a mosaic-like pattern of gastric mucosa on endoscopy[58,59]. PHG的特点是血管扩张,在内镜[58,59]上呈胃黏膜马赛克样模式。 The reported prevalence of PHG ranges from 20%-98% in patien...

  • [异位静脉曲张出血] TIPS适应症:异位静脉曲张 日期:2021-08-11 08:09:14 点击:99

    The term ectopic varices are used to describe portosystemic collaterals located at sites other than the gastroesophageal region. 异位静脉曲张一词被用来描述位于胃食管区域以外部位的门体侧支。 Stomal varices are the most common, followed by s...

  • [孤立性胃静脉曲张] TIPS适应症:孤立性胃静脉曲张 日期:2021-08-11 08:07:54 点击:99

    已知孤立性胃静脉曲张存在于门静脉高压患者100多年【1】,然而只在过去20年才开始研究。很多问题依然未知。 1. 门静脉高压患者胃静脉曲张精确发生率 2. 几乎没有关于胃静脉曲张的自然病史信息。 3. 胃静脉曲张出血来自有或没有食道静脉曲张的确切情况不清 胃...

  • [BRTO理论] BRTO 理论假设 日期:2021-08-08 16:18:54 点击:99

    Other explanations proposed for the suboptimal efficacy of TIPS in controlling GVH are the proximity, throughput, and recruitment theories[35-37]. 对于TIPS在控制GVH方面的次优疗效的其他解释是贴近度、通过量和招募理论[35-37]。 The proximity t...

  • [技术概论] BRTO 技术概论 日期:2021-08-08 15:15:37 点击:99

    Variceal bleeding is one of the major complications of portal hypertension. 静脉曲张出血是门脉高压症的主要并发症之一。 Gastric variceal bleeding is less common than esophageal variceal bleeding; however, it is associated with a high morbid...

  • [背景因素] BRTO 概论 日期:2021-08-08 15:13:00 点击:295

    Logic of retrograde obliteration of varices 逆行性静脉曲张的逻辑 为什么不顺行性 Antegrade or Retrograde obliteration ? Hemodynamics Antegrade Retrograde Gastric Varices with G-R shunt...

  • [TIPS指南和共识集锦] 经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)西安会议讨论稿 日期:2021-08-07 10:59:20 点击:1459

    经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS) 经颈内静脉门体分流术( TIPS ) 是指经颈静脉插管至肝静脉后,穿刺肝实质至肝内门静脉分支,将可扩张的金属支架植入后建立肝内门静脉与下腔静脉之间的分流道,以使整个肝外门静脉系区域的压力显著降低, 从而达到治疗胃食管...

  • TIPS 功能不良

    门静脉系统因狭窄(24%)或闭塞(12%)导致减压丧失 复发性门静脉高压症; 静脉曲张的出血;...

  • TIPS 的历史


  • BRTO增加肝内血流


  • 早期TIPS(Early TIPS)
