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按选定的皮肤穿刺点,局麻后,沿事先设计好的角度,选择平静呼吸或屏住呼吸时进针 怀疑宫颈癌肺转移 Remove inner Stylet, insert Biopsy Needle 移除内针,插入活检针 病理证实:慢性感染 肺门结节 肺动脉造影证实左肺门结节(不是肺动脉) 后入路有肩胛骨...
术后护理(Procedure care) Post Procedure After blood patch placement and needle removal, some physicians roll the patient into the puncture-site-down position. 活检完成和拔针后,一些医生愿意将患者穿刺部位下位。主要是希望限制穿刺一侧的肺活...
肺胸膜修补技术 该技术需要在手术完成时通过导入针堵塞胸膜缺损,以防止穿刺部位的气体泄漏。目前可以使用各种不同的材料和各种不同的方法。但最传统的方法是使用病人自己的血凝块。如果已经进行了多次穿刺或已经发生了气胸,那么针道的阻塞或胸膜的修补理论...
If there is central necrosis, retrieve sample @ margin 如果大病变中央部分有坏死,取病变的周边部分进行活检 Bx of cavernous lesion: several, various angulated needle paths for sampling @ lesion`s margin 若海绵样病变选取几种不同角度的进针路径...
Minimizing the Time that a Needle is Crossing the Pleural Space 减少针穿过胸腔的时间。 If the needle is allowed to move with the motion of normal respiration, usually, no harm occurs. 如果允许针随着正常呼吸的运动移动,通常不会造成伤害。 Ho...
组织活检针 1. 半自动活检针(枪):Semiautomatic True cut 2. 全自动 活检枪 一种我年轻时用过的针(不知现在还有吗) endcut 活检 组织活检 core needle biopsy 活检组织的处理 福尔马林(4.5-10%)Formaldehyd (4,5 - 10 %) - 实性或半实性标本 Solid or...
有些肺病变位于肺尖不随呼吸移动。有些病变大,尽管有呼吸偏移它们都几乎不可能被穿刺活检针错过。 许多病变在1到2厘米范围,而且在膈肌附近,则可能需要耗时20分钟,经历非常沮丧的努力和多个胸壁穿刺,以试图调整活检针与目标病变之间正确的方向。经常的情...
Whereas some hospitals have machines that offer continuous CT fluoroscopy that enables the radiologist to watch the needle while advancing it in real-time (while radiating his or her own hand), many do not. 虽然一些医院可以有提供连续CT透视...
Abstract The Fleischner Society Guidelines for management of solid nodules were published in 2005, and separate guidelines for subsolid nodules were issued in 2013. Since then, new information has become available; therefore, the guideline...
Main findings - CT follow up CT: availability [velblt], cost-effective, easy to repeat Most often used technique for FU after ablation of a lung tumor Ablation zone: increase in size in the early postoperative period inflammatory changes,...
局部疗效 1. 局部肿瘤进展中位时间(Median time to local tumor progression) 大小...
肺消融理想病变及病人的选择 1. 孤立性转移癌 2. 肿瘤位于含气肺组织 3. 理想的病变<...