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1.5%发病率,其中capillary MF ~20%; 2/10万人口,将近66%是静脉畸形 KTS 10-15% 发生在双下肢 没有性别偏好...
VM imaging VM MRI T2 fat suppressed...
技术(Technique) 合适的针进行穿刺( Puncture with appropriate needle) 回血(Bleed back) 血管造影(Angiogram) 硬化剂注射( Sclerosant injection) Alcohol 100% alcohol Negative contrast Dilute with contrast GA Haemodynamicmonitoring 泡沫...
Jaundice Pruritus Cholangitis To allow administration of chemotherapy To improve the outcome of surgical resection To deliver additional therapies Brachytherapy Photodynamic therapy...
胆管癌 胰腺癌 胆囊癌 十二指肠癌 转移癌...
通过ERCP(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography),当ERCP失败时,经皮经肝路径植入支撑架进入12指肠。支撑架进入12指肠可能引起并发症,如支撑架嵌塞(stent impaction)、穿透或穿孔相关的瘘或脓肿【1-6】。 After percutaneous access of the...
有没有坏死性胰腺炎引流的适应症?【1】 1. 当患者是有症状的(When they are symptomatic) 2. 当患者是重复(双重)感染(When superinfections develop) 3. 当感染持续存在(When they persist) 4. 包裹性胰腺坏死/假性胰腺囊肿长期引流(数月),存在...
卵巢动脉供血 卵巢是子宫动脉供应的最常见另外一个来源。Nikolic B et alJVIR. 1999; ...
肿瘤介入(interventional oncology)是指在医学影像引导下,由经过训练的医师,通过...
Gianturco弹簧栓子(Coil) 由带有涤纶纤毛不锈钢制成的金属弹簧的医用工业产品。主要...