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Non-tumoral PVT is the most common thrombotic event in patients with cirrhosis, with an annual incidence of up to 12%[127,128]. 非肿瘤性PVT是肝硬化患者中最常见的血栓性事件,每年的发病率高达12%的[127,128]。 Asymptomatic presentation is commo...
第一阶段:在国际上少数的医疗中心进行的小型的、试验性的、可行性研究。 Rosch Dr. Josef Rsch 纪念一个人到底能多久?不知道!但从事经颈静脉门腔静脉分流术的介入放射医生都应该永远感恩于上面照片里的那个人和他的同事。 关于经颈静脉门腔静脉分流术的原...
Hepatic cirrhosis is a chronic disease histologically characterized by the presence of regenerative nodules surrounded by diffuse fibrosis(21). 肝硬化是一种慢性疾病,其组织学特征是弥漫性再生结节周围的纤维化(21)。 It is the common final s...
Acute variceal bleeding (AVB), which accounts for 70% of all upper gastrointestinal bleeding episodes in cirrhosis,[1] has been identified as a common cause of death in patients with cirrhosis, with a 6-week mortality around 20%. 急性静脉...
When to Suspect PSVD? 何时怀疑PSVD? There are two clinical scenarios in whom PSVD can be suspected: patients with chronic and unexplained alteration of liver enzymes without portal hypertension and patients with unexplained clinically evi...
The term non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) refers to a heterogeneous group of liver disorders that primarily affect the liver vascular system and that are classified anatomically on the basis of site of resistance to blood flow, as...
Porto sinusoidal vascular liver disease (PSVD) is a vascular liver disease characterized by portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis and other causes of liver disease[1]. 门窦性血管性肝病(PSVD)是一种以血管性肝病为特征的门静脉高压,...
发病机制 到目前为止,INCPH 的具体病理生理机制尚不 明确。分二元理论和统一理论 二元理论: 认为,肝内血管闭塞所致 门静脉血流阻力增加和脾大继发门静脉血流增加是 导致 INCPH 患者门静脉高压的两个主要因素。肝 内血管闭塞的具体原因尚不清楚 统一理论:...
INCPH 在世界各地都有报道,它在西方较为罕 见,而在发展中国家,其发病率更高。性别比例在不同国家有所不同,在西方国家和印度多见于男 性,而在日本则多发于女性。发病年龄不定,在印度,其发病年龄约 25 ~ 35 岁,在日本,其发病年龄约 50 岁,而 在 西...
Optimal stent diameter The 8-mm vs 10-mm debate: The availability of covered stents for TIPS has significantly reduced the incidence of stent dysfunction with attendant improvement in patient outcomes[206]. 最佳支架直径 8mm和10mm的争论:覆...