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JVIR 2016;27:1478-1486 1,308 women 21 prospective series 1 poor quality randomized trial...
isolated SCP with Superficial Chronic Venous Insufficiency (SCVI)...
盆腔充血综合征在妇科门诊的常规检查中常常被错过。影像学检查的选择非常重要。对于常常是生育年龄的女性病人,很明显需要低辐射检查。同时,采用敏感性高, 特异性强和病人可接受的检查最好。遗憾的是,至今没有非常有效的非侵入性检查方法诊断盆腔充血综合...
硬化治疗还包括应用 Cyanoacrylate Glue 按1:3的比例与碘油混合 Mixed at a ratio of 1:3 with Ethiodol 微导管与5F导管共轴 Used microcatheter through 5 F catheter 放置微导管在静脉的远端 Placed microcatheter at distal vein 沿卵巢静脉全长缓慢注射...
硬化治疗 (Sclerotherapy)【1】 2 ml 3% STS (Sotradecol) + 8 ml 空气 2~10ml注射器用三通连接 Place in 2 10 ml syringes connected with a 3-way stopcock 4-5F导管 选择性进入卵巢静脉内4-5 F catheter in the ovarian vein 评价需要充盈静脉的量 Eval...
Common sclerosants are detergents [dtdnts] : 常见的静脉硬化剂是洗涤剂类 - Sodium Teradecyl Sulfate[slfet] 十六烷基硫酸钠 - Polidocanol[pldoknl]聚多卡醇 - Sodium morrhuate[mrwet]鱼肝油酸钠 - Ethanolamine oleate[enlmi:n]oleate[olet]乙醇胺油...
非洗涤剂(Non-detergents): 无水乙醇(Dehydrated alcohol ) 抗生素 (Antibiotics): 多西环素Doxycycline 博来霉素Bleomycin 物理刺激物(Physical irritants): 高渗盐水(Hypertonic Saline) 水杨酸钠(Sodium Salicylate) 玉米蛋白酒精溶液(Alcoh...
Department of Radiology Division of Vascular And Interventional Radiology Consent for Uterus Artery Embolization INTRODUCTION: You have been diagnosed as having ______________________________________. Your doctors feel that the best treatm...
Sclerotherapy with Adjunctive Stasis of Efflux (STASE): Techniques and Strategies 入路后:After access 硬化前: Before sclerotherapy: Phlebography 静脉造影: Phlebography 静脉造影的类型...
卵巢动脉供血 卵巢是子宫动脉供应的最常见另外一个来源。Nikolic B et alJVIR. 1999; ...
肿瘤介入(interventional oncology)是指在医学影像引导下,由经过训练的医师,通过...
Gianturco弹簧栓子(Coil) 由带有涤纶纤毛不锈钢制成的金属弹簧的医用工业产品。主要...