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1. 下肢静脉曲张和盆腔静脉曲张(卵巢和髂内静脉) (1)两者都治疗?还是分期治疗。 Should both OVs and the IIVs be embolized? (2)先治疗哪一个?盆腔静脉曲张优先,还是下肢?或者没关系(does it matter?) 2. 影响生育吗?(Impact on fertility)...
Type I Low-flow pelvic varicocele 低速盆腔静脉曲张 a. Non-cross-pelvic. 非跨越盆腔 b. Cross-pelvic. 跨越盆腔 Type II High-flow pelvic varicocele 高速盆腔静脉曲张 a. Non-cross-pelvic (high-outflow through the ipsilateral hypogastric vein)....
盆腔充血综合症栓塞并发症 卵巢静脉炎(Ovarian vein thrombophlebitis)2%-8% 静脉曲张复发(Recurrence of varices) 非靶向栓塞(Non target embolization of embolic material) 卵巢电离辐射暴露 -隐性并发症(Radiation exposure to ovaries) 心律失...
No clinical improvement afterembolisation?...
WHY PCS AND LOWER LIMB VARICOSITIES? INCONTINENCE Uterine veins Vaginal veins Perineal veins...
WHY PCS AND LOWER LIMB VARICOSITIES? INCONTINENCE Uterine veins Vaginal veins Perineal veins...
Diagnosed pathology, type of intervention and results of treatment of patients with diagnosed PCS【1】 Outcomes of clinical trials trials 1....
Coils Usually stainless steel coils 通常用不锈钢弹簧栓子 Occasionally microcoils particularly for pelvic veins 偶然用微弹簧栓子栓塞盆腔静脉 Make sure to oversize to avoid migration 确保弹簧栓子直径超过卵巢静脉直径,避免移动 Distal to proxi...
Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) affects 24% of women worldwide; the cause cannot be identified in 40% despite invasive investigations. 慢性盆腔疼痛(CPP)影响全球24%的女性;尽管进行有创诊断,但40%的妇女无法确定病因。 Dilated, refluxing pelvic vein...
Chung MH, et al. Tohoku J Exp Med (2003), 201, 131-138 -118 patients with PCS -Group A (OV embolisation) n=52 -Group B (Hysterectomy + BO + HRT) n=32 -Group C (Hysterectomy + UO) n=34 (3 pts. excluded, for bilateral involvement)??? One in...
卵巢动脉供血 卵巢是子宫动脉供应的最常见另外一个来源。Nikolic B et alJVIR. 1999; ...
肿瘤介入(interventional oncology)是指在医学影像引导下,由经过训练的医师,通过...
Gianturco弹簧栓子(Coil) 由带有涤纶纤毛不锈钢制成的金属弹簧的医用工业产品。主要...