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Hepatic cirrhosis is a chronic disease histologically characterized by the presence of regenerative nodules surrounded by diffuse fibrosis(21). 肝硬化是一种慢性疾病,其组织学特征是弥漫性再生结节周围的纤维化(21)。 It is the common final s...
There are substantial differences amongst guideline recommendations regarding the use of prostate artery embolization (PAE) in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic obstruction (LUTS/BPO), which can be partially ex...
经皮血管穿刺的发明者,Sven Ivar Seldinger (1921-1999),生于瑞典的Mora,从Karolinska 学院获得了医学学位。在1953年Acta Radiologica杂志发表的此项技术(经皮肤入路技术)可以简单归纳为入针,入导丝,出针,入导管,出导丝。Seldinge r创立了经皮股动...
临床资料 IPSS(International Prostate Symptom Score) 国际前列腺症状评分 : IPSS问卷表为病人自我评价问卷表。每个答案分为0-5个等级。每个问题允许病人从6个等级(0-5)选出1个等级以表示某一特殊症状的频率。总分为0-35分(无症状至症状极为严重)...
Lower GI bleeds are fairly common and account for 20% to 30% of all patients presenting with major GI bleeding. 下消化道出血相当常见,占所有消化道大出血患者的20%到30%。 The incidence is higher in older patients and patients taking multiple...
Lower GI bleeds can be categorized further into three types: massive, moderate, and occult bleeding. 下消化道出血可进一步分为三种类型:大出血、中度出血和隐匿性出血。 Massive bleeding usually occurs in patients older than 65 years with mult...
Acute variceal bleeding (AVB), which accounts for 70% of all upper gastrointestinal bleeding episodes in cirrhosis,[1] has been identified as a common cause of death in patients with cirrhosis, with a 6-week mortality around 20%. 急性静脉...
病例1:患者术后右上腹疼痛,血色素下降,CT发现腹腔内血肿。出血源? 肝动脉瘤栓塞Tr...
子宫腺肌症子宫动脉栓塞治疗有许多不足 具有挑战性的临床-放射学诊断 (无标准分类系统...
术后处理 栓塞后综合症的处理 子宫肌瘤栓塞是一个微创手术,其恢复期为7-10天。与手术...