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Control of the treatment is an important intraprocedural role of imaging. To control a treatment, the imaging system must be able to monitor the process, as just described. However, simply monitoring the process does not necessarily mean th...
大多数肿瘤介入治疗的一个重要挑战是意识到,在某种特定的操作过程中治疗已经足够。在理想的情况下,将设定治疗完成的明确终点。影像学是一种潜在的无创解决方案。 所谓监视(monitoring)是观察到的操作中影像结果的可视性变化。监视的目标不仅要确定治疗是...
The integration of position sensors with interventional devices such as needles and ablation applicators allows them to be tracked in real time, with images obtained during a procedure. When used with multimodality image fusion, the coordi...
While combined PET/CT, or even PET/MR, systems exist, interventions usually occur with use of CT or MR systems independent of PET equipment. To best utilize these PET images for intervention, they must be fused with the interventional CT i...
Contrast agents are increasingly being applied as interactive tools during intervention. With diagnostic applications, a contrast agent is administered typically once at the beginning of imaging; with intervention procedures, repeated smal...
肿瘤介入(interventional oncology)是指在医学影像引导下,由经过训练的医师,通过...
Gianturco弹簧栓子(Coil) 由带有涤纶纤毛不锈钢制成的金属弹簧的医用工业产品。主要...
名词:trisacryl gelatin;trisacryl gelatin microspheres ; gelatin-coated tris-a...