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微球囊介入经动脉栓塞的技术革命 Terumo介入肿瘤部门展示Occlusafe,一种带有闭塞球囊的微导管。 通过压力梯度效应,Occlusive作为微球囊导管,提供了重新分配血流和进入微循环的能力,导致治疗药物进入靶病变的积累增加,脱靶栓塞可能性最...
Azur可脱周围血管用定心弹簧栓子 泰尔茂(Terumo)介入公司(Terumo Interventional Systems)是导丝、导管、鞘组和栓塞产品的领先制造商之一。已经宣布用于周围血管栓塞的Azur D35 构架弹簧栓子(Framing Coil)在美国获得应用许可。 Azur 适合于需要脚手架...
Cordis has launched a new vascular closure device in 2010 and completed its portfolio from Stick to Seal with this exciting product. EXOSEALTM is combining an easy-to-use functionality with a trusted bioabsorbable plug and a precise extrav...
Cordis has launched a new vascular closure device in 2010 and completed its portfolio from Stick to Seal with this exciting product. EXOSEALTM is combining an easy-to-use functionality with a trusted bioabsorbable plug and a precise extrav...
ClearWay OTW Local Therapeutic Infusion Catheter is a revolutionary micro-porous PTFE balloon catheter designed for the local delivery of various therapeutic agents into the peripheral vasculature. The ClearWay OTW Catheter is a low pressu...
Abbott Vascular, a global leader in endovascular care, announced the introduction of the HT Winn Guide Wire, a new 0.014 guide wire for intraluminal crossing challenging below the knee chronic occlusions. The introduction of the HT Winn Gu...
FDA' s MedWatch的警告是由于Archives of Internal Medicine 在2010年8月9日在线发表单中心有关下腔静脉滤器有害事件新的研究报告有关...
W. L. Gore & Associates (Gore) 宣布该公司已经接受欧洲CE标志,批准其带有生物活性表面的25厘米长的GORE®VIABAHN® 股浅动脉覆膜支撑架。该支架可以覆盖更多的股浅动脉病变潜在减少多支撑架的应用。...
Incraft(Cordis)腹主动脉支撑架临床试验-INNOVATION trial已经募集到第一个病人,该实验将评估这种新型支撑架的安全性和有效性。 该Incraft的配送系统的特点是编制结构制成的低剖面推送鞘。鞘外直径为14F,而动脉瘤腔内修复(EVAR)现有配送系统直径,从1...
根据在 2010 年的美国泌尿协会年会( Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association ) ( AUA ,美国泌尿科协会)提出的一项为期 29 个月的临床研究证实, COOK 公司 Resonance Metallic Ureteral Stent 能够长期成功为良性和恶性上尿路阻塞患者...
微球囊介入经动脉栓塞的技术革命 Terumo介入肿瘤部门展示Occlusafe,一种带有闭塞球囊...
FDA' s MedWatch的警告是由于Archives of Internal Medicine 在2010年8月9日在线发表...
W. L. Gore & Associates (Gore) 宣布该公司已经接受欧洲CE标志,批准其带有生物活性...
Incraft(Cordis)腹主动脉支撑架临床试验-INNOVATION trial已经募集到第一个病人,...
根据在 2010 年的美国泌尿协会年会( Annual Meeting of the American Urological Ass...