RSNA‘2013会议介入放射学一篇《 胃左动脉栓塞导致患者体重下降》学术演讲,可能导致介入放射科医生在帮助遏制美国肥胖危机中发挥作用。
![]() 演讲者为Rahmi Oklu, M.D来自麻省总院介入放射医生,哈佛医学院助教。 介入放射学有可能通过导管途径调节生长素释放肽的水平在减肥治疗中扮演角色。· 生长素释放肽(Ghrelin),是一种食欲刺激激素( appetite-stimulating hormone)主要由被发现在胃底的细胞产生,其主要接受来自胃左动脉供血。抑制Gherlin血清学水平是控制体重潜在的手段。有时在介入放射学操作过程中,研究人员发现胃左动脉栓塞导致术后病人的体重下降。 另一位哈佛医学院麻省总院的住院医师Andrew Gunn, M.D也在演讲时说,动物实验已经被证明胃左动脉栓塞抑制由胃产生的生长素释放肽,并导致食欲下降和体重减轻。 研究者回顾分析了2000-2012年因为上消化道出血进行胃左动脉栓塞病人的电子病历,与年龄相当的消化道出血患者进行其它动脉栓塞,而不是胃左动脉栓塞的病人进行了比较。栓塞前4周的体重和栓塞后3个月的体重变化进行评估比较。 平均年龄64.6岁的19例病人为实验组,平均年龄58.7岁的28例病人被列为对照组。实验组术前和术后的平均体重为184.1 磅和170.8磅,平均体重下降的7.3%。对照组术前和术后平均体重分别为177.3磅和173.6磅,平均体重下降2%。两组间有显著性差异(p=0.006)。 Results demonstrate that patients lose significantly more weight after left gastric artery embolization than following embolization of other arteries for upper GI bleeding, suggesting that body weight can be potentially modulated via left gastric artery embolization in humans.
"We attempted to account for other variables in the patients' medical history that could explain weight loss as well," Dr. Gunn said. "We found that patients lost significantly more weight after left gastric artery embolization."
"Our findings in this small, limited number of cases is just the beginning," Dr. Oklu said. "These exciting results need to be rigorously investigated in larger trials."
The findings could offer hope for the more than 150 million Americans affected by obesity, many of whom rely on surgical options that can have serious complications, according to Dr. Gunn. "Results are promising," Dr. Gunn said. "Unfortunately, despite advances in both medical and surgical treatments, obesity rates continue to rise."