Health care policy expert and former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle headlines a Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)-focused special symposium on Thursday, March 9, during this year’s SIR Annual Scientific Meeting.
卫生政策专家和前参议院多数党领袖Tom Daschle,医保准入和2015CHIP 再授权法案(Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015,MACRA)的头号人物,参加3月9日SIR2017年度会议MACRA专题论坛开幕做主旨演讲。演讲的题目是《”介入放射学经济,质量和价值:你为MACRA准备好啦?》
这位来自南达科他州的前参议员,在1994 - 2005年间担任过多数党领袖或少数党领袖,期间表现出对医疗保健质量和价值的浓厚兴趣。今天,他在两党政策中心担任负责人,这是一个面对挑战致力于促进双边解决方案的华盛顿智库。健康政策是参议员感兴趣的主要领域。
“Daschle,我们希望他谈谈MACRA 融入一个更大的目标,改善医疗保健在美国持续快步增长” ,这一研讨会的策划人之一,Stephen L. Ferrara, MD, FSIR,凤凰城退伍军人管理局医疗中心介入放射科主任对媒体说道。
Dr. Ferrara, who serves as chair and councilor of SIR’s Health Policy and Economics Committee, recently retired as the Navy’s chief medical officer. He also worked in Congress on the Energy and Commerce Committee as one of the principal drafters of the legislation that became MACRA and was passed in April 2015.
Daschle is also expected to touch on the changes to the Affordable Care Act and how MACRA fits into the evolving national health policy landscape.
The symposium also includes many national experts sharing their knowledge, with sessions providing an overview of MACRA from an IR perspective, the basics of Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), hands-on training with the new IR structured reports, IR Registry details, how to engage with hospital administration, using data to measure quality and resource use, and Alternative Payment Models (APMs).
SIR Economics Committee member C. Matthew Hawkins, MD, assistant professor at Emory University in Atlanta, will moderate many of these discussions and also lead the question-and-answer session involving a panel of experts exploring how IR can position itself to succeed under MACRA.
Dr. Hawkins said that many specialties find themselves scrambling to figure out what MACRA will mean to them. The session will describe ways IRs can find success in the changing world; the session will address questions about how to not just avoid mistakes that will lead to financial penalties but to discover ways to thrive.
“For us, a super-young specialty that is expanding our role in the clinical care of patients, this really feels like an opportunity as long as we understand the motivations of the people who drafted the legislation as well as the potential implications when you start looking 15–20 years down the road,” Dr. Hawkins said.
Space for the session, which goes from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., is limited, so early registration is recommended. It costs $195 for SIR Active Members, $149 for Clinical Associate Members and $495 for nonmembers.