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One-year IMPROVE data suggest benefit of EVAR in ruptured aneurysms Wednesday, 29 Apr 2015 19:01 Results from the 12-month data of the randomised controlled IMPROVE trial, presented for the first time yesterday at CX 2015, show that an end...
首届查林十字国际论坛的举办在1978年,主题是中风的研究。依照Greenhalgh说法,在这次会议的开幕式的知名演讲者包括我的老师,来自巴茨(Barts)的Gerry Taylor 教授和来自达拉斯的Jesse Thomsom医生,他们每个人都精于颈动脉疾病的技术。有趣的是,他们看起...
前参议员多数党领袖,卫生政策专家Sen. Tom Daschle Health care policy expert and former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle headlines a Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)-focused special symposium on Thursday, March...
Through Jan. 27 Jan. 28-March 9 SIR Member $790 $865 SIR Clinical Associate Member/Scientist* (See special offer below) $490 $565 SIR Emeritus Member $390 $465 SIR Member Resident-in-training $0 $0 SIR Member Fellow-in-training $0 $0 SIR M...
在本次年会的新闻简报上,介绍了2017年1月SIR推出新的网站,体现了社会的奉献精神,它将为其成员提供在他们自己职业生涯的每一个阶段所需要的东西,并向公众社会和其他受众阐述介入放射学在现代医学的角色。 Ellen Acconcia Discovering a new knowledge ave...
一、人物 本届大会主席 Elias Brountzos CIRSE President Professor of Medicine at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 雅典大学,全称为雅典锅里卡波蒂斯坦大学教授。...
Dear Colleagues, The CIRSE Annual Congress and Postgraduate Course is a trendsetting, dynamic and service-oriented event, dedicated to education, science and innovation. It covers the entire spectrum of Interventional Radiology, and is the...
2016年5月5日,GEST 选择美国大都市纽约开会庆祝自己10岁生日。 这种典型的嘉年华式的会议广告,具有典型的美国风格,显示了会议组织者非常注重别人对本次会议的印象。...
又来了,我们发现时隔三年后又回到葡萄牙相聚里斯本出席欧洲心血管介入放射学2015年的会议,时至这一欧洲最大的介入协会正好30年周庆。为什么短短的三年又回到里斯本开会,本届大会主席anna-maria belli教授在欢迎辞中说道:为什么又是里斯本? anna-maria b...
CX brings peripheral study data to life with live cases Wednesday, 29 Apr 2015 19:59 Yesterday, for the first time, the Charing Cross International Symposium broadcast peripheral live cases that were directly linked to data presented the p...
日月参辰比喻不和,甚至作对的意思。amazing interventional radiology,是欧洲的叫法...