CIRSE(Cardiovascular Interventional Radiologic society of Europe)年度代表大会和研究生课程正不断地开创新的,充满活力的,面向服务的会议,致力于教育,科学和发明。它覆盖了整个的介入放射学的范围,并在影像引导下微创治疗方面成为最大和最最广泛的大会。会议内容囊括七个主要议题,包括血管疾病介入,经导管栓塞,肿瘤介入,神经介入,非血管介入,介入的管理和影像。

Michael J. Lee
CIRSE President

Patrick Haage
Scientific Programme Committee

Tomàs Figueira
Local Host Committee

Robert A. Morgan
Scientific Programme Committee Chairman

Paulo A.M.S. Almeida
Local Host Committee

Alfredo Gil-Agostinho
Local Host Committee
Those considering this exam at a later date can prepare for it by attending the many Foundation Courses on offer in Lisbon. Particularly recommended are our sessions on peripheral arterial disease, including below-the-knee interventions, which represent a growing force in reducing amputation rates. Due to its increasing use in the multidisciplinary setting, newly qualified IRs should also attend our Interventional Oncology Foundation Courses, where they can gain a comprehensive introduction to the wide spectrum of therapies on offer.
There is also plenty to interest established IRs, foremost of which are our new Hot Topic Sessions. This year, extensive debate will be held about an established but still controversial therapy, Vertebroplasty, and a new-comer to the IR arsenal, Renal Denervation. These sessions promise lively discussion of a host of considerations and viewpoints, and are not to be missed.
We aim to meet the needs of all our attendees, and following your feedback, it has been decided to shorten and reschedule our Opening Ceremony, leaving more opportunity for our increased number of Workshops and Interactive Case Sessions. This allows CIRSE to refine and improve its commitment to being a motor for education.
Collaboration with both our member groups and other disciplines will continue. This year, the CIRSE meets… Session has invited group member Italy, whose members will host a session on the advances they are making in the field of oncology. In order to cater for the needs of IR team members such as nurses and radiographers, a series of dedicated workshops is being organised in cooperation with the European Federation of Radiographer Societies.
For the second year, we will also be hosting the R.W. Günther Award for Excellence in Innovation. This award, which includes financial support, aims to reward and encourage active IRs whose innovative designs, new techniques or excellent research are helping drive our specialty forward. All are encouraged to apply, and full information of how to do so can be found on www.cirse.org.
We have some new innovations of our own in store, and plan to offer apps for mobile devices, helping delegates plan their congress schedule and access information more easily.
Our educational portal, ESIR online, will also see some advances. Upgrades are planned to allow more timely access to the congress content, reflecting the overwhelming interest shown following last year’s congress.
CIRSE 2012 will be showcasing the most up-to-date trends in Interventional Radiology, catering for a host of IR professionals at a range of different stages of experience.
We look forward to welcoming you to Lisbon in September, and hope you will join us on our journey of advancement and excellence!