CIRSE 见面会主要是向CIRSE会员或与会者提供聆听来自临床同事介绍他们的工作,以及如何与欧洲介入工作相连系。见面会也提供CIRSE与其它协会成员和其它国家介入协会交流的平台。
近年来,“CIRSE meets” 见面会,已经成为学术活动安排中亮眼的项目之一。CIRSE 2017 见面会是欧洲伤口管理协会(European Wound Management Association,EWMA)

About EWMA
The European Wound Management Association (EWMA) is a European not-for-profit umbrella organisation, linking national wound management organisations, individuals and groups with an interest in wound care. Central to EWMA’s objectives is to support the implementation of interdisciplinary high-quality and cost-effective wound care. EWMA works to reach its objectives by being an educational resource, organising conferences, contributing to international projects related to wound management, actively supporting the implementation of existing knowledge within wound management and providing information on all aspects of wound management. EWMA was founded in 1991, and the association works to promote the advancement of education and research into native epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis, prevention and management of wounds of all aetiologies.
EWMA objectives and goals
EWMA works continuously to improve European wound patients’ quality of life. They identify and advocate the highest quality of treatment available and its cost effectiveness from a multidisciplinary point of view. They work to reach their objectives by being an educational resource for health care professionals working with wound care and prevention. They organise conferences, contribute to international projects related to wound management, actively support the implementation of existing knowledge and provide information on all aspects of wound management.
Thus, EWMA strives to be the organisation that citizens, patients, professionals, governments, health services and educational institutes come to for advice, expertise and opinion in Europe.
Learn more about EWMA on
The annual EWMA conference
Every year EWMA arranges a conference. The conference offers high-level scientific presentations, networking activities and an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences with international colleagues.
Tuesday, September 19
11:30-12:30 |
CM 2706
CIRSE meets the European Wound Management Association (EWMA):
Standards of wound care – the essentials |
Moderator: E. Brountzos (Athens/GR), A. Piaggesi (Pisa/IT) |
2706.1 |
Clinical and imaging assessment of wounds of the lower extremity |
M. Collier (Boston/UK) |
2706.2 |
Basics of wound care for IR |
M. Collier (Boston/UK) |
2706.3 |
Arterial perfusion to optimise arterial ulcer healing |
M. Palena (Abano Terme/IT) |
2706.4 |
Surgical coverage of non-healing ulcers |
A. Jawien (Bydgoszcz/PL) |
历届CIRSE 见面会
2016 |
European Association of Urology
欧洲泌尿协会 |
2701.1 Explanation of LUTS to interventional radiologists S.A. Gravas (Larissa/GR)
2701.2 Surgical and medical therapy for benign prostate hyperplasia S.A. Gravas (Larissa/GR)
2701.3 For which patient PAE is most feasible (the radiologist’s view) N. Hacking (Southampton/GB)
2701.4 For which patient PAE is most feasible (the urologist’s view) A. Stenzl (Tübingen/DE)
2015 |
中国 |
2605.1 Percutaneous transhepatic portosystemic shunt H. Shan (Guangzhou/CN)
2605.2 Stent loaded with 125I seeds in malignancies – from bench to bedside G.-J. Teng (Nanjing/CN)
2605.3 Hybrid intervention for complex cerebrovascular disease W.-J. Jiang (Beijing/CN)
2014 |
以色列 |
2605.1 Advances and innovations in tumour ablation: from Israel with love N. Goldberg (Jerusalem/IL)
2605.2 Novel endovascular solutions to arch, perirenal and abdominal aortic aneurysms E. Atar (Petah Tikva/IL)
2605.3 Advances in endovascular simulation G. Bartal (Kfar-Saba/IL)
2013 |
新加坡 |
2605.1 IR management of ultra-large hepatocellular carcinomas U. Pua (Singapore/SG)
2605.2 Haemodialysis access interventions –randomised trials from Singapore F.G. Irani (Singapore/SG)
2605.3 “Angioplasty first” approach to critical limb ischaemiaA. Gogna (Singapore/SG)
2012 |
意大利 |
CM2605 Transcathetermanagementof hepatocellularcarcinoma Moderators: F. Florio (San Giovanni Rotondo/IT), M.J. Lee (Dublin/IE)
2605.1 IndicationsfortransarterialtreatmentofHCC I. Bargellini (Pisa/IT), R. Cioni (Pisa/IT)
2605.2 TACEwithdrugelutingbeads M. Grosso (Cuneo/IT)
2605.3 Radioembolization R. Golfieri (Bologna/IT
2011 |
德国 |
Professional policies D. Vorwerk (Ingolstadt/DE)
Qualitymanagement,softwaretoolsforqualityassurance L.J.G. Heuser (Bochum/DE)
Continuingeducation,certification P. Reimer (Karlsruhe/DE)
Panel discussion with A. Buecker (DRG), J.H. Peregrin (CIRSE)and M.F. Reiser (ESR)
澳大利亚和新西兰 |
Therapy options in high and low flow vascular malformations J.P. Burnes (Clayton, VIC/AU)
New advances in endoluminal technology for treating abdominal aortica neurysms A. Holden (Auckl and/NZ)
Thoracicductinterventions S.M. Lyon (Melbourne VIC/AU)
2000 |
拉丁美洲 |
IR in Latin America: where do we stand? M. Guimaraes (Charleston, SC/US)
Biliary interventions in Latin America M.E. Giménez (Buenos Aires/AR)
Translumbar dialysis catheter. Results of the largest experience in Latin America J.M. Lozano (Bogotá/CO)
欧洲麻醉协会 |
What every radiologist should know about anaesthesia P. Wouters (Gent/BE)
Sedation techniques for office based interventional radiology S.G. Einarsson (Hafnarfjördur/IS)
Safety in anaesthesia in interventional radiology F. Bressan (Prato/IT)
2009 |
巴西 |
1101.1 - Endovascular treatment of complex renal artery aneurysms C. Abath (Recife, Brazil)
1101.2 - Paediatric interventions in hepatic diseases A. M. Moreira (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
1101.3 - Carotid stenting with filter protection devices: more than 1000 cases J. G. Caldas (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
2008 |
欧洲糖尿病协会 |
2401.1 - The diabetic foot in 2009 - an overviewA. J. Boulton (Manchester, United Kingdom)
2401.2 - Medical aspects of peripheral vascular disease in diabetesN. Schaper (Maastricht, Netherlands)
2401.3 - Arterial bypass versus angioplasty in diabetic peripheral vascular diseaseM. Lepantalo (Helsinki, Finland)
日本 |
2401.4 - Introduction S. Kuribayashi (Keio, Japan)
2401.1 - BRTO for portal hypertension S. Hirota (Nishinomiya, Japan)
2401.2 - Superselective TACE for HCC with microcatheter S. Miyayama (Fukui, Japan)
2401.3 - RFA for pulmonary malignancies S. Kanazawa (Okayama, Japan)
2007 |
中国 |
2401.1 - Current status of Interventional Radiology in China G. J. Teng (Nanjing, China)
2401.2 - Stenting of RAS in renal failure patients: Early experience with EPD Y. Zou (Beijing, China)
2401.3 - Interventional management on heptocellular carcinoma: Long-term outcome J. H. Wang (Shanghai, China)
2401.4 - Interventional treatment on Budd-Chiari’s syndrome in China X. T. Zhang (Shengyang, China)
欧洲血管外科协会 |
1101.1 - The new angiotherapist H. Sillesen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
1101.2 - EVAR: best treatment for small aneurysm P. Cao (Perugia, Italy)
1101.3 - Best possible treatment for lower limb ischemia J. H. Wolfe (London, United Kingdom)