![]() CIRSE 2017 读片猜题的主持人是McCafferty(右)和Buy 读片猜题(Film Interpretation Quiz) 是CIRSE 最有人气的传统项目,每年都举办一次,玩的是“谁是最后站着的人”的游戏。会议开始前兴高采烈的参会者手持红、蓝、黄小旗占据了绝大数的坐席。主持人将每道题为观众呈现三个可能的答案分别标有红、蓝、黄的颜色。选择错误的人将被淘汰,必须坐下,选择正确答案的人继续站着等待下一个答题,最后剩下的,还站着的选手将被邀请到舞台进行总决赛。 ![]() McCafferty,CIRSE 2016也是读片猜题会议主持人,此人来自英国的伯明翰, 在本次会议中除了主持读片猜题,同时也是手把手器械培训项目(Hands-on Device Training)中EMT(Embolization:Material and Tools)负责培训初学者液体栓塞剂的老师。会议期间每天都能看到他在培训室内忙碌的身影。人肉搜索时发现这个在伯明翰工作的诊断和介入放射科大夫有一大堆头衔,Bsc MBBS MRCP FRCR,唯独没有“M.D.” degree. ,而且此人有一个个人主页,却没有说明自己在哪个单位上班。 McCafferty 的头衔中Bsc. 意思是Bachelor of Science, 大学或毕业后第一个关于科学方面的学位,主要应用于英国,在美国多为Ph.D,科学博士,这一学位和病人的临床诊断和治疗。 ![]() 前者是因为在美国多数人医学院校毕业后授予M.D 或者Medical Doctor。而英国多数人医学院校毕业后,并不授予M.D,而是授予BS,Bachelor Medicine(MB),实际等同于美国的MD. McCafferty医生头衔中还有 MRCP,Member of the Royal College of Physicians,获此殊荣的必须通过更难的考试,每年仅有14%的应试者可以通过此考试,这确实是一种殊荣。而超越这一殊荣的是FRCP,是基于某人作为医生或研究者的成就,被正式邀请为Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians(FRCP)。 而在美国外科大夫的名字后有 xxx FACS( Fellows of the American College of Surgeons),内科大夫在名字后面有 FACF( Fellows of the American Physicians)妇产科大夫的后面会有(FACOG) Fellows of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 实际上,英美关于医生的头衔有很多,有些荣誉性的是为了表彰过去的贡献,有些头衔则是说明现实的能力,后一种能力是待价而沽的,是给雇佣单位参考的,也是给雇佣单位带来实际利益的。 McCafferty 没有单位,尽管在他发表的文章中表明自己是 Department of Radiology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham,但实际上他此地的执业行为是Visiting Doctor(或Consultant Radiologist),所谓单位仅仅是劳务签约,不隶属。在欧美所谓的医生集团(Medical group)多数情况下就是一个人,或两个人组成的。互联网+多点执业,是很多西方医生的主要的执业形式。你可以在伯明翰当地的各种互联网医疗,如肠道临床,前列腺网站...都可以看到此人的身影。对中国医生在体制内执业的模式是个十分新鲜的体验。 X.Buy 是另一位主持人来自法国,在此次会议上非常活跃的任务。
Percutaneous image-guided osteosynthesis of impeding and pathological/ insufficiency fractures of the femoral neck in non-surgical cancer patients
R.L. Cazzato1, J. Garnon1, G. Koch1, G. Tsoumakidou1, J. Palussière2, X. Buy2, A. Gangi1; 1Strasbourg/FR, 2Bordeaux/FR
Breast tumors treated with percutaneous image-guided cryoablation: prospective single-center experience of 32 consecutive non-surgical patients
A.I. Alexiev, R.L. Cazzato, X. Buy, S. Ferron, G. Hurtevent, C. Tunon de Lara, M. Debled, J. Palussière; Bordeaux/FR
Renal cell carcinoma lung metastases treated by radiofrequency ablation: results based on 11 years of experience
J. Palussière1, A. Gonnet2, L. Salabert1, V. Catena1, G. Roubaud1, A. Ravaud1, X. Buy1 ; 1Bordeaux/FR, 2Pau/FR
Measurement of radiation dose during a pulmonary percutaneous ablation procedure: a comparison between CT and CBCT
E. Geledan, A. Chemin, V. Catena, C. Le Rest, X. Buy, J. Palussière; Bordeaux/FR
Medial Fibromuscular Dysplasia,这个词在百度和CNKI 并没有查到,Pubmed 检索键入Medial Fibromuscular Dysplasia,翻到第四页才可以看到一篇文章完整提到这个词。 但偶然也可以查到medial fibrodysplasia,而 fibromuscular dysplasia,FMD 比较常见。
FMD can be found in almost every artery in the human body, but most often affects the carotid, vertebral, renal arteries and even those that supply the intestines, arms, and the legs.[1] Patients may present with FMD in multiple vessels.
FMD 在人体的几乎每一条动脉中都能找到,但最常见颈动脉、脊椎、肾动脉受累,甚至那些供应肠系膜动脉和四肢的动脉。患者也可以多血管FMD病变。【1】
FMD has been pathologically categorized into three types of classifications: Multi-focal, focal, and adventitial; referring to the particular layer of arterial wall being affected.
分型 ![]()
值得注意的是: 1. 有关内脏动脉瘤发生的比例在解释答案的时候,肾动脉瘤占35%;脾动脉瘤11%;肝动脉瘤6%;肠系膜动脉5%。就我个人印象应该脾动脉瘤的发病率最多。 ![]() 这种差别如何出现? 2. 通常我们会认为胰腺炎后的内脏动脉瘤是由于感染(infective)引起的,但在解释答案的时候,quiz master 将胰腺炎后的动脉瘤归于炎症(inflammation)。确实胰腺炎在其不同阶段产生大量的炎性介质导致多功能脏器衰竭。但胰腺炎后内脏动脉瘤究竟是感染引起,还是炎症引起?至少弥漫性腹膜炎这种常见的疾病很少需要担心会产生内脏动脉瘤。
Segmental arterial mediolysis (SAM) ,在医脉互通公司全医药学大词典上译为节段性动脉中层裂解。这是一种罕见的、非动脉硬化性的、非炎症性、大动脉和中动脉病变。SAM首次描述在1976年。
It is characterized histologically by vacuolization and lysis of the outer arterial media leading to dissecting aneurysms and vessel rupture presenting clinically with self-limiting abdominal pain or catastrophic hemorrhages in the abdomen.
Patients of all ages are affected with a greater incidence at the fifth and sixth decades.
There is a slight male predominance.
Imaging findings overlap with inflammatory vasculitis, collagen vascular disease, and fibromuscular dysplasia.
The presence of segmental dissections involving the celiac, mesenteric, and/or renal arteries is the key distinguishing features of SAM.
Inflammatory markers, genetic tests for collagen vascular disorders, and hypercoagulable studies are negative.
Anti-inflammatory agents and immunosuppressants are not effective.
A mortality rate of 50 % has been attributed to the acute presentation with aneurysmal rupture necessitating urgent surgical or endovascular treatments; in the absence of the acute presentation, SAM is a self-limiting disease and is treated conservatively.
There are no established guidelines on medical therapy, although optimal control of blood pressure is considered the main cornerstone of medical therapy.
The long-term prognosis is not known.