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CIRSE 2018 荣誉讲座(2)

时间:2018-09-27 04:47来源:未知 作者:Mr.Editor
His research has covered diverse aspects of vascular and interventional radiology. He received research grants on stents for TIPS, endovascular embolisation of intracranial aneurysms and CO2 angiogra

His research has covered diverse aspects of vascular and interventional radiology. He received research grants on stents for TIPS, endovascular embolisation of intracranial aneurysms and CO2 angiography in the early 90’s. He also cooperated on experimental development of the first stent grafts in the middle of 1990. Together with Dr. Petr Hulek, hepatologist, he introduced TIPS into clinical practice in Czechoslovakia in 1992.

As a professor of radiology he has been involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. He has mentored many students, assisting with twelve Ph.D. programmes and working with international visiting fellows from Eastern Europe and Asia in the last 23 years.

He has edited 4 textbooks and written a Czech textbook on angiography. In addition to this, he is an author of  19  book chapters on vascular interventional and neurointerventional radiology and has published 230 scientific papers. Dr. Krajina is also a  reviewer for 10 international scientific journals, and works as a committee member for national interventional radiology and radiology societies.

He has been a Member of CIRSE since 1995, and, in 1999, he became a Fellow of CIRSE. He served as a member of the CIRSE Programme Planning Committee from 2014- 2017, and he was the Head of Oral Exams of EBIR from 2013- 2015. He is a member of the Online Education Committee and has been a member of the CIRSE Stroke Task Force since 2015. He was also an Editorial Board Member of CVIR from 2009 to 2017.

Apart from his work with CIRSE, he is also involved as a member of the ESMINT Committee and is a co-founder of the Middle East European  Interventional Neuroradiology Club (MENC), which held its 13th annual meeting in Prague in 2017.

He is married to Jana, and they have two daughters and two grandsons. He likes astronomy and thinks that we, as the human race, should keep our planet, this island of life, as long as possible.

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