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病例1:37岁 女 两年来在足底内侧搏动性疼痛逐渐加重。自幼以来该部位翻红和搏动。否认创伤史 治疗计划:入路选择 1. 顺行入路:经胫后动脉栓塞动静脉畸形的流入道 2. 逆行入路:经腓静脉逆行栓塞动静脉畸形的流出道 3. 联合入路:同时栓塞流入道和流出道 顺...
有作者在Sheffield 数据库复习10年的血管畸形治疗。多数(80%) 采用非介入治疗;63例病人供进行111治疗。低血流病变83%(静脉畸形48,淋巴畸形2,混合2。高血流的动静脉畸形17%为11例。其中肢体73%(63/46),头和颈19%(12/63),躯干 8%(5/63)。 在适应症...
Duplex ultrasonography is the preferred first line imaging modality for venous malformations that occupy superficial soft tissues and may be useful in identifying the anatomy of feeding vessels (Fig. 双倍超声是占据浅表软组织的静脉畸形的首...
VM 通常发现于出生时,体表可见,也可发生在深部,表浅者颜色常呈青紫色,隆起或不隆起皮肤,病灶会随着患者年龄增长而成比例地逐渐增大,而血管瘤多发现于出生时或出生后不久,多呈鲜红色或透出蓝色并且有特殊的三期表现: 增长期,稳定期,消退期...
Low-Flow Vascular Malformations: Lymphatic Malformations (LM) Venous Malformations (VM) Semin intervent Radiol2010; 27(2):209-231...
The International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) Classification System places an emphasis on the pathologic and hemodynamic features of vascular anomalies and was recently updated in 2014 to incorporate newly identifie...
周围血管畸形包括快速血流(high flow)和慢速血流(slow flow)。快速血流的血管畸形主要的临床症状包括疼痛(Pain),肿块(Mass),出血(Bleeding GI, GU)和由于高输出状态导致的心力衰竭。也有由于体检和影像学检查偶然发现并没有症状。 快速血流导致...
Venous malformations include a spectrum of slow-flow malformations that together are the most common forms of vascular anomalies. 静脉畸形包括一系列慢流畸形,它们一组是最常见的血管异常疾...
Vascular Malformations (1.2-1.5% of the population) Venous malformations (2/3 是先天性静脉畸形) Phleboliths Enhancement Soft/compressible Commonly present at puberty...