CTA对于血管内治疗的计划,动脉的大小、动脉瘤的位置、动脉瘤的大小,腹腔动脉走行以及工作位的角度是非常重要的Importance of CTA for planning: Size of the artery, location and size of the aneurysm, Celiac axis, angle of working position。.
6-8 Fr 头端弯曲的引导鞘 Curved Guiding sheath:
工作位情况下即使支架很短也能够精确释放 |
若动脉迂曲考虑共轴(coaxial)或三轴(triaxial)导管系统以便可以稳定释放各种治疗材料Stability, ready for the treatment, works for most materials
Cobra glide or reversed-curve catheters
超滑交换导丝,必要的时候可以用超硬导丝 Glide wire then exchange to stiff wire if needed
微导管 Microcatheter
Large spectrum Antibiotics and Pneumovax