Identify and occlude every collateral that may feed the aneurysm
Need to Close the Back Door
最为常用的技术,主要用于宽颈或较大的动脉瘤(packing 技术可能需要超多的弹簧栓子)需要首先将导管/微导管选择到动脉瘤的远端。将远端阻塞后再阻塞脾动脉瘤近端。潜在面临脾梗死和脾功能缺失。栓塞后再通也比较少见。
63岁 女性 巨大脾动脉瘤和脾大
The diameter of splenic aneurysms were 64mm(1) and 57mm(2). This patient`s LGEA(red arrow) was communicating with lower polar artery.
We planed to perform partial splenic embolization(PSE) to superior polar artery.The microcatheter advanced in the superior polar arterial branch and partial embolization using gelatin sponge and microcoil was performed
About one month later, we performed second PSE additionally to superior and middle polar arterial branches using gelatin sponge. Sclerosing agent (NBCA:lipiodol=1:2 and 1:3) directly injected into the splenic aneurysms under flow control using balloon catherter(black arrow point), after microcoil embolization of the distal artery (arrowhead).Next, the trunk of proximal artery was occluded by microcoil and NBCA(black arrow).Subsequent angiography showed lower pole of splenic blood flow was preserved.
Follow up contrast enhanced CT performed a week after the procedure showed that blood flow of these aneurysms(arrowheads) was occluded completely. The infarction rate was estimated about 69%. (a)splenic infarction.
Staged endovascular treatment for giant splenic artery aneurysm and massive splenomegaly : A case report.
Yohei Koyashiki, Hiroyasu Nakamura, Atsushi Ugajin,
Naoki kunitomo, Yuichiro Kawahara, Takahiro Sasaki,
Shigeyoshi Kijima, Hideharu Sugimoto
Department of Radiology, Jichi Medical University
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Highest rate of VAA — expectant mothers + multiparous women
自然破裂 70-75%孕妇和90-95%胎儿死亡 Spontaneous rupture => 70-75% maternal & 90-95% fetal death
最高破裂率是妊娠晚期和出生后早期 Highest rupture rate is 3rd trimester(妊娠末三个月) & early post birth
40%的妊娠期脾动脉瘤破裂 40% splenic aneurysms rupture during pregnancy