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SAA in the Main Splenic Artery Because the spleen has a rich blood supply, occlusion of the main splenic artery does not inevitably lead to total splenic infarction, and most patients experience no infarction at all, or minor segmental or...
填塞技术又称为Parking 技术 既往否认任何疾病史,偶然发现2.5cm 脾动脉主干动脉瘤...
脾动脉远端动脉瘤栓塞 Hilar splenic aneurysm ~ 24 mm Coaxial catheterization / Rebar 18,Concerto detachable coils Coil packing density 28% Patent parent artery / Retained splenic perfusion Hilar splenic aneurysm Coaxial catheterization / R...
现代导管技术可以出色的完成迂曲脾动脉的导管术,并完成脾动脉瘤的栓塞 Extremely tortous splenic artery (Rebar 18 /2.4F) Concerto detachable coils Coil packing density 11% No recanalization seen on 3 month CE-MRA...
1. 弹簧栓子栓塞(Coil embolization) 2. 血管塞(plugging,vascular plug,detectable balloon) 3. 覆膜血管支撑架(stent graft),保留载瘤动脉 4. 裸支撑架+弹簧栓子(bare stent+coil),保留载瘤动脉 5. 颗粒和液体栓子 6. 经皮经腹部栓塞...