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肥胖病人与非肥胖病人比较,经桡动脉穿刺减少肥胖病人出血危险 Cox N et al. Comparison of the risk of vascular complications associated with femoral and radial access coronary catheterization procedures in obese versus nonobese patients Am J C...
术前计划 Preprocedural planning Barbeaus test adequate assessment of forearm arteries by CCDS(color-coded Doppler sonography) 血管直径的测量 quantification of vessel diameter 解剖变异 anatomical variations 据报告桡动脉的变异和先天性异常...
绕动脉入路穿刺前检查 1. AIIen,s试验 术者用双手同时压迫病人的尺和桡动脉后,嘱病 人交替握拳和放松动作5-7次,至手掌部变苍白. 术者松开对病人尺动脉的压迫,观察手掌颜色变化,若10秒内手掌颜色变正常,则Allen ,s试验为 阴性,说明尺动脉存在侧枝循环好,是桡...
如何进行肱动脉穿刺?How to perform brachial arterial puncture? 第一次描述肱动脉穿刺进行血管造影的文章发表在1963年。The first paper which describes a brachial artery puncture to perform angiography published in 1963。 Bruns Beitr Klin Chir...
经皮桡动脉入路出血并发症包括穿刺部位出血和导管路径出血 在讨论经桡动脉路径穿刺的几个焦点问题中,出血是一个重点问题 优点 缺点 improvedpatientcomfort-Earlyambulation reducedbleedingrisk Noninferiorityresults Re-use? strokerisk long-termconse...
In patients who previously underwent transradial coronary angiography or PCI, operators can safely return to the same radial artery for repeat procedures done within 30 days of the first, a new study shows. 一项新的研究显示,对于既往接受过...
3815 pts 神经损伤的综合发生率为0.16%, 感觉丧失、刺痛和麻木,综合发生率为1.52%。 有3项研究报道,经桡入路后的疼痛是最常见的手部功能障碍形式(6.67%) 手功能障碍的发生率被定义为残疾、握力改变、力量丧失或任何其他手部并发症的发生率非常低,为0.2...
桡动脉闭塞 桡动脉迂曲成袢 桡动脉迂曲成袢的处理 各种桡动脉loop 各种桡动脉袢 各种桡动脉loop 桡动脉闭塞 无名动脉迂曲...
A significant interaction was found betweenKAP (Kerma-area product)and the percentage of procedures with radial access by centre (P 0.001). KAP(Kerma-area product) was higher by radial versus femoralaccess in low-radial-volume centres,...
桡动脉入路优点 Advantages of radial access 容易止血 Easy hemostasis 较少出血并发症 Less bleeding complication 即刻活动:患者舒适 Immediate ambulation: patient comfort! 不需要恢复床 no recovery bed needed 花费减少? cost reduction? 经皮绕动...
Gianturco弹簧栓子(Coil) 由带有涤纶纤毛不锈钢制成的金属弹簧的医用工业产品。主要...
名词:trisacryl gelatin;trisacryl gelatin microspheres ; gelatin-coated tris-a...
Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer (EVOH) 微导管栓塞材料 Co...