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Development Concept Microcatheter For selective endovascular treatment To make it possible to perform selective intravascular insertion safely easily repeatedly without using a guide wire Equipped with a mechanism to shift the direction of...
Radiation pneumonitis is a potential complication of radioembolization (RE) in patients with a high lung shunt fraction (LSF) Antireflux catheters (ARM) have been shown to increase tumor Y-90 uptake; however, their effect on LSF has not be...
Direxion可控微导管主要尺寸 小腔 大腔 紫色接口(Hub)) 0.021内径 远端尖端外径 2.4 F 近端 最大外径OD 3F 0.035 导丝 兼容性 黄色接口(Hub) 0.027内径 远端尖端外径 2.8 F 近端最大外径3F 0.038导丝兼容性...
微导管的相容性包括导丝,诊断导管,微粒,胶,Onyx coil, 化疗药 Microcatheter compatibility for particle delivery Deliverability of particles through microcatheters: Factors that influence deliverability:[dlvrblt] - Microcatheters - Particl...
Scepter C TM Dual-Lumen Neurovascular Micro-catheter A 64-year-old with fibromuscular dysplasia and presented with worsening renal function and a progressively enlarging 2cm, wide-necked renal artery aneurysm. He had a single left kidney f...
前列腺动脉栓塞,swiftNinja 微导管可以克服常规微导管术有困难的病例吗? 听,法国教授 M Sapoval 如是说 前列腺动脉栓塞的未来? 证实其效性和安全性 Demonstrated efficacy and safety 患有前列腺增生,有下泌尿道症状的患者愿意进行栓塞 Millions of pati...
微导管栓塞剂的类型 Conventional agents Non-spherical PVA Water-soluble synthetic polymer Irregular shape Inhomogeneous size distribution Easily available and inexpensive Since 1975, widely used for various indications PVA 是如何阻塞血管的...
Gianturco弹簧栓子(Coil) 由带有涤纶纤毛不锈钢制成的金属弹簧的医用工业产品。主要...
名词:trisacryl gelatin;trisacryl gelatin microspheres ; gelatin-coated tris-a...
Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer (EVOH) 微导管栓塞材料 Co...