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门体侧支的形成 门体侧支循环的形成导致门静脉阻力降低在一定程度上是门体压力梯度升高的必然结果。随着梯度的升高,血流自然的会流向经预先形成血管,即使管径很...
门静脉解剖和生理特点 门静脉静脉收集整个消化道、脾脏、胰腺和胆囊的静脉血流。它没有瓣膜,因此压力自由的向输入血管支传递,门静脉系统位于两个毛细血管网之间。由于其解剖位置在腹腔深部,对其进行任何研究或操作相对困难。 门静脉开始于脾静脉(接受胰...
门静脉高压的分类 门静脉高压并发症的危险性,由于不同的门脉高压病因类型而不同,主要是取决于肝功能衰竭恶化效应。相对于对肝脏腺泡结构危害较小的情况,肝硬化或爆发性肝炎伴随发生时,其表现形式更为严重。因此,虽然有其他分类方法,将门脉高压分为 窦...
门静脉高压的名词和定义 由于门静脉自然引(回)流受阻而引起的一系列血流动力学改变和临床症状,称为门静脉高压症(Portal hypertension,PH)。门脉高压(PH)是一个综合征。在生理情况下,门脉血管和肝脏对门脉属支血流的阻力很小,在不明显改变门静脉压力...
Pre-sinusoidal 窦前性 Sinusoidal 窦性 Post-sinusoida l窦后性 Porto-sinusoidal vascular disease (PSVD) Drug-induced Budd-Chiari syndrome Portal vein obstruction (neoplastic and non-neoplastic) Alcoholic liver damage Veno-occlusive disease S...
Non-tumoral PVT is the most common thrombotic event in patients with cirrhosis, with an annual incidence of up to 12%[127,128]. 非肿瘤性PVT是肝硬化患者中最常见的血栓性事件,每年的发病率高达12%的[127,128]。 Asymptomatic presentation is commo...
Hepatic cirrhosis is a chronic disease histologically characterized by the presence of regenerative nodules surrounded by diffuse fibrosis(21). 肝硬化是一种慢性疾病,其组织学特征是弥漫性再生结节周围的纤维化(21)。 It is the common final s...
Acute variceal bleeding (AVB), which accounts for 70% of all upper gastrointestinal bleeding episodes in cirrhosis,[1] has been identified as a common cause of death in patients with cirrhosis, with a 6-week mortality around 20%. 急性静脉...
When to Suspect PSVD? 何时怀疑PSVD? There are two clinical scenarios in whom PSVD can be suspected: patients with chronic and unexplained alteration of liver enzymes without portal hypertension and patients with unexplained clinically evi...
The term non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) refers to a heterogeneous group of liver disorders that primarily affect the liver vascular system and that are classified anatomically on the basis of site of resistance to blood flow, as...
门静脉系统因狭窄(24%)或闭塞(12%)导致减压丧失 复发性门静脉高压症; 静脉曲张的出血;...
经导管动脉化疗性栓塞(Transcatheter arterial chemotherapy,TACE)是一种治疗肝脏...
超早期肝癌(0期)不能肝移植 消融(全身治疗辅助?)>5年生存如果失败或不可行TACE...
单纯肝动脉栓塞的背景 Bland embolisation: Background 肝癌单纯栓塞(Bland emboliza...