技术概论 基本技术 经颈静脉BRTO 经脐静脉BRTO TIPS对BRTO的保护价值
  • [技术概论] BRTO 技术概论 日期:2021-08-08 15:15:37 点击:99

    Variceal bleeding is one of the major complications of portal hypertension. 静脉曲张出血是门脉高压症的主要并发症之一。 Gastric variceal bleeding is less common than esophageal variceal bleeding; however, it is associated with a high morbid...

  • [基本技术] BRTO的基本技术 日期:2020-01-29 07:52:30 点击:232

    BRTO for Gastric Varices [BRTV] Hirotas classification Downgrading (stepwise injection of EO, coiling, deeper into GRS, habitus change) [Collaterals] LIPV, PCV, (hemi) Azygos V, AscLV, Gonadal V, etc. [GR shunt] Single, Ring, Streaks [Irre...

  • [TIPS对BRTO的保护价值] TIPS对BRTO保护价值 日期:2020-01-28 19:06:49 点击:138

    背景 TIPS is the primary IR therapy worldwide for both refractory ascites/hydrothorax and gastroesophageal variceal bleeding in the setting of portal hypertension BRTO has become more widely accepted as a therapy for gastric variceal bleed...

  • [经颈静脉BRTO] 经颈静脉BRTO 日期:2018-03-21 06:23:39 点击:169

    用标准的血管造影技术进行经颈静脉穿刺入路 通过左肾上腺,球囊导管进入胃肾分流血管 左膈下静脉侧支循环 侧支循环-左膈下静脉栓塞 明胶海绵+碘油+聚桂醇栓塞,...

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