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Other explanations proposed for the suboptimal efficacy of TIPS in controlling GVH are the proximity, throughput, and recruitment theories[35-37]. 对于TIPS在控制GVH方面的次优疗效的其他解释是贴近度、通过量和招募理论[35-37]。 The proximity t...
Variceal bleeding is one of the major complications of portal hypertension. 静脉曲张出血是门脉高压症的主要并发症之一。 Gastric variceal bleeding is less common than esophageal variceal bleeding; however, it is associated with a high morbid...
Logic of retrograde obliteration of varices 逆行性静脉曲张的逻辑 为什么不顺行性 Antegrade or Retrograde obliteration ? Hemodynamics Antegrade Retrograde Gastric Varices with G-R shunt...
BRTO的主要适应症是孤立性的胃静脉曲张(isolated gastric varices),占肝硬化病人的4%。 Sarin 等人【1】在1992年568例患者的相关自然病史的研究中发现 较低的出血发生率,25%(gastric varices) vs 64%(esophageal varices) 胃静脉曲张出血趋势更严重...
胃肾分流与胃静脉曲张 Gastric Varices with G-R shunt 孤立性胃静脉曲张有大量的输入或输出静脉,但最重要的一条是胃肾分流静脉...
BRTO和TIPS目标是通过根本改变门静脉压力和门静脉血流动力学干预门静脉高压的并发症。BRTO理论上通过减少门静脉分流积极地增加门静脉向肝血流和潜在肝功能储备。TIPS则相反,通过分流肝实质的门静脉血流负面干预肝功能储备和向肝血流。 在以前这两项操作对全...
Hepatic hypertrophy after balloonoccluded transvenous obliteration of gastric varices 背景1 经自发性胃肾分流经静脉硬化胃静脉曲张的BRTO技术是来自日本治疗胃静脉曲张或出血的特殊治疗手段 此手术增加门静脉到肝脏的血流: 加重门静脉高压 潜在改善肝...
BRTO for Gastric Varices [BRTV] Hirotas classification Downgrading (stepwise injection of EO, coiling, deeper into GRS, habitus change) [Collaterals] LIPV, PCV, (hemi) Azygos V, AscLV, Gonadal V, etc. [GR shunt] Single, Ring, Streaks [Irre...
BRTO: indications and treatment Authors: K. Kobayashi, S. Hirota, S. Yamamoto, S. Achiwa, M. Yamazaki, H. Maeda Abstract Content 1. Introduction: B- RTO (balloon- occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration) has developed in Japan since 1...
背景 TIPS is the primary IR therapy worldwide for both refractory ascites/hydrothorax and gastroesophageal variceal bleeding in the setting of portal hypertension BRTO has become more widely accepted as a therapy for gastric variceal bleed...