疗效判定 客观有效 EPOCH 临床试验 抢救性治疗 病例 FOXFIRE trial 降期治疗 meta分析 一线治疗的结果
  • [降期治疗] 放射栓塞降期治疗 日期:2017-04-05 08:49:34 点击:111

    SIR-Spherescan down-size inoperable disease to either resection or ablation Investigator n Tx line #Outcomes Tumour Type(s) Whitney 44 SIR-Spheres 2nd4th 4 R0 CRC; OeC Hoffmann 46 SIR-Spheres salvage 5 RF 3 BrC; CRC; PaC Gray 36 SIR-Spheres...

  • [病例2] TARE 病例二 日期:2017-03-31 10:06:05 点击:119

    Disease status post-FOLFIRI+cetuximab Borderline volume post-chemo left lobe FOLFOX Chemo + RE Sharma RA et al. J Clin Oncol25: 1099-1106, 2007 Static Bremsstrahlung post-RE SPECT-CT Post-RE CT scan pre-and 3 months post-RE Pre-RE Post-RE...

  • [客观有效] TARE 治疗结直肠癌肝转移的客观有效率 日期:2017-03-30 22:21:08 点击:115

    Sato et al. Radiology 2008;247:507-515 Sato KT1, Lewandowski RJ, Mulcahy MF, Atassi B, Ryu RK, Gates VL, Nemcek AA Jr, Barakat O, Benson A 3rd, Mandal R, Talamonti M, Wong CY, Miller FH, Newman SB, Shaw JM, Thurston KG, Omary RA, Salem R....

  • [结直肠癌肝转移二线治疗结果] 结直肠癌肝转移二线、三线治疗结果 日期:2017-03-30 17:10:51 点击:107

    SIR-Spheresin 2nd-line Treatment of mCRC Investigator n Treatment ORR TTP/PFS Survival Lim30SIR-Spheres(+ 5FU/LV)70%33% 5.3 mo van Hazel 25SIR-Spheres+ irinotecan 48%6.0 mo12.2 mo 9.2 moL Limet al. BMC Cancer 2005;5:132. van Hazel et al. J...

  • [TARE病例1] TARE病例1 日期:2017-03-30 01:59:53 点击:106

    60 J, ♂, CRC Selective internal radiation therapy with 90Y microspheres for colorectal liver metastases: single-centre experience with 100 patients. Stubbs et al., ANZ J Surg 2006;76:696 Resin 90Y-microsphere brachytherapy for unresectable...

  • [meta分析] meta分析:DEB-TACE vs TARE 日期:2017-02-01 23:41:32 点击:122

    目的:探讨药物洗脱珠经肝动脉栓塞化疗的疗效比较(deb-tace)与钇-90(90Y)对肝细胞癌(HCC)栓塞。 方法:研究比较传统(C)TACE与90y栓塞或deb-tace肝癌的治疗使用PubMed / MEDLINE,EMBASE和Cochrane数据库。使用调整后的间接Meta分析方法比较deb-tace...

  • [结果] 结直肠癌肝转移放射微粒栓塞结果 日期:2015-07-15 16:43:06 点击:198

    结直肠癌肝转移作为全身化疗抵抗的补救化疗的结果[1-5] 1. M. Seidensticker, R. Rhl, P. Kraus, T. Denecke, A. Pethe, M. Pech, H. Amthauer, J. Ricke Radioembolization with 90Y-resin microspheres as a salvage treatment for refractory liver-domin...
