TARE病例1 病例2
  • [病例2] TARE 病例二 日期:2017-03-31 10:06:05 点击:118

    Disease status post-FOLFIRI+cetuximab Borderline volume post-chemo left lobe FOLFOX Chemo + RE Sharma RA et al. J Clin Oncol25: 1099-1106, 2007 Static Bremsstrahlung post-RE SPECT-CT Post-RE CT scan pre-and 3 months post-RE Pre-RE Post-RE...

  • [TARE病例1] TARE病例1 日期:2017-03-30 01:59:53 点击:106

    60 J, ♂, CRC Selective internal radiation therapy with 90Y microspheres for colorectal liver metastases: single-centre experience with 100 patients. Stubbs et al., ANZ J Surg 2006;76:696 Resin 90Y-microsphere brachytherapy for unresectable...

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