肝癌介入治疗概论 肝癌经血管治疗的历史 肝癌经血管治疗的分类 肝动脉栓塞的生理基础 肝脏的血管和肿瘤循环 肝癌TACE术前准备 适应症和禁忌症 肝癌经血管内治疗的技术 肝癌经血管介入治疗的并发症 肝癌经血管介入治疗的结果 肝癌介入治疗的联合治疗 肝癌介入治疗的局限性 TACE 随访
  • [重复导管 vs 动脉港] HAIC研究潜在障碍:重复导管术 vs 药盒置入 日期:2021-12-28 13:34:36 点击:99

    Two different percutaneous arterial access approaches have been used for HAIC: the first approach entails the use of implantable port-catheter systems, and the second approach involves repeated hepatic artery catheterization. 两种不同的经...

  • [多种化疗方案] HAIC研究的潜在障碍:多种化疗方案 日期:2021-12-28 11:54:22 点击:99

    A standard chemotherapy regimen for HAIC has yet to be established, increasing the challenge of interpreting trial results. HAIC的标准化疗方案尚未建立,这增加了解释试验结果的挑战。 Cisplatin and 5-FU were the most commonly used chemotherap...

  • [异质性患者数据] HAIC研究潜在障碍:数据的异质性 日期:2021-12-27 15:27:25 点击:99

    Studies on HAIC have included populations with various degrees of intrahepatic tumor burden, including the possible presence of PVT/EHS. 对HAIC的研究包括了不同程度肝内肿瘤负荷的人群,包括可能存在PVT/EHS。 Studies on patients with PVT who r...

  • [+ 免疫治疗] HAIC 联合免疫治疗 日期:2021-12-27 08:50:24 点击:99

    Immune checkpoint inhibitorbased combinations have changed the treatment paradigm for advanced HCC [59,60] and are likely to remain the cornerstone of systemic treatment in the next few years. 基于免疫检查点抑制剂的联合治疗已经改变了晚期HC...

  • [+ 放疗] HAIC 联合放疗 日期:2021-12-25 11:25:23 点击:99

    HAIC combined with radiation therapy (RT) has also been extensively investigated, particularly in subgroups of patients with PVT. HAIC联合放疗(RT)也已被广泛研究,特别是在PVT患者的亚组中。 Han et al. [ 51 ] conducted a small-scale single-ar...

  • [+ 多激酶抑制剂] HAIC联合多激酶抑制剂 日期:2021-12-25 07:06:16 点击:99

    HAIC has been combined with sorafenib to leverage the synergistic effects of the combination. HAIC已与索拉非尼联合使用,以利用该联合使用的协同效应。 A randomized Phase 2 trial was conducted to compare HAIC plus sorafenib with sorafenib alo...

  • [+ 干扰素α] HAIC联合皮下干扰素α 日期:2021-12-24 23:56:05 点击:99

    Subcutaneous or intramuscular interferon-alpha (IFN-) has been used in combination with intravenous chemotherapy for advanced HCC to enhance antitumor activity [55]. 皮下或肌内干扰素(IFN-)已与静脉化疗联合用于晚期HCC,以增强抗肿瘤活性[ 55 ]...

  • [SIRT 联合免疫治疗] 钇90+O药(免疫治疗) 日期:2021-09-12 18:11:44 点击:99

    肝癌是全世界范围内常见的消化系统恶性肿瘤,我国肝癌的发病率和死亡率在恶性肿瘤中分别排列第4位和第2位。肝癌具有早诊困难、进展迅速,预后较差等特征, 特别是对于中晚期肝癌患者的治疗选择非常有限。 一项2期临床试验评估了钇90微球疗法联合免疫药物Opdiv...

  • [栓塞后综合征] 栓塞后综合征 日期:2021-07-02 12:35:54 点击:166

    栓塞后综合征(post embolization syndrom,PES)是指肝动脉栓塞后出现的右上腹疼痛,发热,疲劳,恶心呕吐。其实所谓栓塞后综合征的定义并不十分明确,包括发热超过38c吗?疼痛是指需要止疼药超过一周吗?... 定义不统一,报道的发生率差异性较大。 但栓塞...

  • [肝脓肿] 肝癌栓塞后肝脓肿 日期:2021-07-02 12:35:19 点击:162

    肝癌栓塞后肝脓肿:男 67,胆红素1.6,HCC 6.2cm 栓塞前 栓塞前 栓塞后6天,发热,白细胞升高,肝区疼痛 栓塞后10天 1. 什么是肝脓肿的诱发因素(predispoing factors)? (1)病人没有术后抗生素治疗 (2)肿瘤的中心位置 (3)肿瘤周围有些胆管分支的扩张...
