症状评分:患者可以使用0-10的模拟评分来测量症状。Symptoms score: The symptoms can be measuredby the patient using an analog scale from 0-10. 美容评分:美容评分由医生评分Cosmetic score: The cosmetic score is graded by the doctor as 1. 没有可触及的肿块; when no palpable mass is present; 2 .有可触及的肿块;when there is a palpable mass;
3 .吞咽可见肿块; when the mass is visible on swallowing;
4. 当有一个很容易看到的肿块时。when there is an easily visible mass【Na DG 20212】
![]() ![]() 20ml 症状评分=8;美容评分=4