增加容积减少率( Volume Reduction Rate VRR)的结节特征
- 海绵状超声结构 - 伴有液体成分的结节 - 外周和结内型血管增生、 - 软结节,-剪切波弹性成像30k - 剪切波弹性成像值大于60kpa /伴有大钙化的结节 VRR低于50%。
- 结节体积小于10cc
影响减容率的技术因素Technical factors that affect Volume Reduction Rate VRR
- 操作者技能和经验Operator skills and expierence
- 甲状腺结节外周缘(多为再生点)消融术 Ablation of the peripheral margins of the thyroid nodule (mostly regrowht point) - 水分离技术 更好地消融术结节边缘消融术Hydrodissection Better ablation of nodule margins
- 水分离技术 防止热损伤结节附近的RLN和神经迷走神经等结构,避免并发症 Hydrodissection Protection from complications by preventing thermal damage to structures such as RLN and N.Vagus adjacent to the nodule
, more significant nodule reduction.)
患者选择非常重要,Patient selection is very important,
总是使用剪切波弹性成像(更柔软的结节,use always shearwave elastography 软结节,消融后结节缩小更明显的。
以尽可能低的功率进行消融(更低的功率Performing ablation with the lowest possible watt (lower watt, better VRR)
术前仔细的解剖评估 Careful anatomical assessment before the procedure
了解术后潜在并发症的处理。To be .knowledgeable about managing potential complications after the procedure