漏的位置 淋巴流入道 上游淋巴结
  • [淋巴流入道] 淋巴流入道栓塞 日期:2021-01-06 15:18:03 点击:99

    淋巴造影技术 Lymphangiography technique Intranodal lymphangiography by injecting Lipiodol through a 25-gauge needle Real-time fluoroscopy to detect extravasation of Lipiodol from the lymphatic system Leak negative: no further procedure Lea...

  • [上游淋巴结] 乳糜腹水介入治疗:上游淋巴结穿刺 日期:2021-01-06 13:25:24 点击:99

    淋巴结胶注射/栓塞治疗乳糜腹水和淋巴囊肿 Lymph Node Glue Injection/Embolization for Chylous Ascites and Lymphoceles 腹腔腹水和淋巴囊肿发生于淋巴渗漏,这往往是医源性的 Chylous ascites and lymphoceles occur from lymphatic leakage, which is oft...

  • 12条记录