为什么需要球形栓塞微粒? 这是因为非球形栓塞微粒直径不一,形态不规则。在经导管注射栓塞血管的过程中容易发生凝聚,即在导管或血管中发生嵌顿,导致微粒在血管中发生拥塞,不能预期微粒栓塞的水平,导致栓塞效率下降。而球形栓塞微粒是PVA等非球形栓塞微粒的技术改进,它容易经过微导管注射,较少发生凝聚现象,微粒的大小经过校准可以预期动脉栓塞的水平。 生化特点(Physicochemical properties):
临床结果(Clinical Results)
Advantages of spherical & calibrated particles: Experimental studies: “Reduce blood flow more quickly and reliably with TGMS than with non-spherical agent” Andrews and Binkert et al. JVIR 2003; 14:1311–1316
“PVA particles are associated with intense uterine necrosis and extensive arterial occlusion regardless of size. Calibrated MS, which are associated with less uterine necrosis, permit a segmental arterial occlusion correlated with size.” Pelage et al. Radiology 2002; 224:436-445
Less operative blood loss with calibrated spheres than with PVA Bendszus M, Klein R, Burger R, et al: Efficacy of trisacryl gelatin microspheres versus polyvinyl alcohol particles in the preoperative embolization of meningiomas. Am J Neuroradiol 21:255-261, 2000
RCT´s on sphericalagents for UFE Spies JB et al. (PVA versus TGMS)J Vasc Interv Radiol 2004; 15:793–800
Spherical Agents Contour SE ®(Polyvinyl alcohol) |