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肝硬化门静脉高压常导致脾肿大【 Orlando R 2011 】。此外,肝硬化常伴有血液学指标下降,包括血小板减少症和贫血。肝硬化患者中白细胞减少的发生率比一般人群更常见,从5%到61%不等【 F N Bashour 2000 】。肝硬化患者各种血液病的发病机制是多因素的。然而...
脾亢脾动脉栓塞 SPLENIC ARTERY EMBOLISATION FOR HYPERSPLENISM 部分脾栓塞Partial Splenic Embolization (PSE) First performed by Spigos et al in 1979 AJR 132: 777-782...
病例:Lower Pole Selection 脾50% 萎缩 究竟栓塞多少脾? Zhu K 2009 Dig Liver Dis To insure a sustained and long-term increase in platelet and leucocyte counts, the splenic infarction rate needs to be greater than 50% Madoff 2012 JVIR Traditi...
Summary PSE useful and reasonably safe Much work needs to be done to refine and define optimal technique...
脾动脉栓塞并发症发生相关因素 并发症 vs 部分脾栓塞% 门静脉高压脾亢:回顾性评价17例患者脾栓塞的结果 Petermann et al Diagn Interv Imaging 93(1): 30-36 17 患者:部分脾栓塞>70%,并发症发生率50% 部分脾栓塞<70%,并发症发生率<70%。...
62 pts 1- to 2-mm gelfoam particles suspended in gentamicin Follow-up - 5 years 分组 A B C 梗死% 70% 50-70% 50% 患者数 12 34 16 严重并发症 50% 8.8% 0% 中位住院时间(天) 16 9 5 Zhu - 2009 Dig Liver Dis 41:411(朱康顺) ....
主脾动脉栓塞 vs 部分脾动脉栓塞 (Main Splenic Art Embo vs PSE) 61 pts with hypersplenism caused by cirrhosis Non-randomized prospective trial TSAE embo of main splenic art with coils PSE peripheral splenic embo with gelfoam or PVA TSAE PS...
Catheter Position Proximal vs Distal 主脾动脉栓塞(Main splenic artery) - Quicker - Can be done without micro-catheters 选择性末段脾动脉分支栓塞 Sub-selecting distal splenic branches - 花更多的操作时间; ( Takes more time) - 需要微导管...
Embolic Agents Used for PSE Gelfoam PVA - Zhu et al 2008 Eur J Radiol 用PVA 部分脾栓塞术后,血小板增加显著 Tris-acryl gelatin microspheres Onyx Coils...
改善血液学的参数 To improve hematologic parameter - 地中海贫血 (珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血)Thalassemia - 特发性血小板性紫癜 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic pupura 纠正脾功能亢进血小板减少 To correct hypersplenism thrombocytopenia - 限制或妨碍化疗...