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局部疗效 1. 局部肿瘤进展中位时间(Median time to local tumor progression) 大小(Size matters) Median time to local tumor progression【1】 45 versus 12 months (p0.002) 其实射频消融治疗肺肿瘤的局部复发以及生存率或许和大小有关,但最重要的...
CHT:Chemotherapy Immunotherapy...
SBRT: 立体定向放射治疗(stereotactic body radiation therapy, SBRT )...
肺切除(Pneumonetomy) 肺叶切除(Lobectomy) 肺楔形切除(wedge resection) 电视辅助胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracic surgery, VATS )...
原发肺癌是最常见的癌相关死亡原因。 *www.cancerresearchuk.org;**Field JK et al., 2013, Lancet Oncol 肺癌的诊断陷于尴尬的境地,我们应该筛查吗?如果应该,肺癌相关死亡可减少20%,但在西方国家,花费 效益每质量调整生命年(Quality-adjusted life y...
肺消融理想病变及病人的选择 1. 孤立性转移癌 2. 肿瘤位于含气肺组织 3. 理想的病变< 2cm直径 这是最理想的病变 This patient looks like a great candidate 禁忌症(NO! Mediastinal LN) 分期的精确和详细的影像非常关键 在任何干预之前PET/CT是有价值方...
RFA 在肝脏不可切除原发和转移癌方面已经达到令人印象深刻的结果【1,2】。实验室研究也证明,射频消融可以完全消融试验动脉的肺肿瘤【3,4】 1. de Baere T , Elias D, Dromain C, et al. Radiofrequency ablation of 100 hepatic metastases with a mean fol...
应该永远有一个消融的计划 1. 病人的位置(patient position) 避免臂丛神经损伤的体位:病人的位置重要【1】 Incorrect Correct Positioning Use Patient Positioning to Aid Ablation When Position is not effective 2. 工具和器械(tool and devices) 3....
What could be the best modality(ies) for follow-up in order to early detect local tumor progression after thermal ablation for lung cancer? Follow-up imaging after intervention:toward consensus Literature review Among 241 articles: 81 ana...
Metabolic activity of the ablated zone decreased markedly after 3 months as compared with that pre-ablation (p=0.001). A few lesions still remained uniformly surrounding high uptake of FDG 3-month post-ablation, but not obviously 9 months...
局部疗效 1. 局部肿瘤进展中位时间(Median time to local tumor progression) 大小...
肺消融理想病变及病人的选择 1. 孤立性转移癌 2. 肿瘤位于含气肺组织 3. 理想的病变<...