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共轴穿刺活检可以减少穿刺胸膜的次数 Coaxial bx preferred to decrease number of pleural punctures...
一般肺活检麻醉是局麻 屏住呼吸时考虑穿胸膜麻醉Consider transpleural anesthesia during apnea 尖刀破皮,减少穿刺针进入皮肤的阻力...
A coaxial technique of inserting a thinner sampling needle through a larger needle placed at the edge of the lesion has a number of theoretical advantages over tandem punctures. 同轴技术通过位于病变边缘的较大的针插入较薄的取样针,与串联穿...
一些良性的病变也类似于恶性肿瘤,可出现扩大或多个新的肺结节,例如 风湿性关节炎,结节病,结核和霉菌感染 Several benign conditions can appear with enlarging or multiple new pulmonary nodules i.e.rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, TBC or funga...
双针技术 Fix lung area near small lesion with thin puncture needle first, then biopsy target lesion (tandem-technique) 先用细穿刺针固定小病变附近的肺区,再用活检针穿刺病变(双针技术)...
大的原则: 1. 安全的穿刺路径,如避开大血管(锁骨下动脉、乳内动脉,肋间动脉,肺内血管),神经和大气管,支气管 2. 最短路径 shortest track :skin l esion 3. 最垂直或水平的路径(斜位,几何空间位不好把握) 4. 最少的胸膜穿过,单次胸膜穿刺,避免肺...
即使是临床没有怀疑,也有考虑培养的可能(病原生物培养,细菌+霉菌+分支抗酸杆菌) 最后诊断:结核 tuberculosis...