概论 靶病变的选择 患者穿刺体位 路径分类 皮肤穿刺点定位 麻醉 穿刺针和穿刺 屏住呼吸咳嗽抑制 拔针 穿刺病变的分类 封针 过脏层胸膜 取样
  • [咳嗽抑制] 肺穿刺活检:咳嗽抑制 日期:2023-03-12 10:14:42 点击:99

    咳嗽抑制 Cough Suppression Forceful coughing is likely to tear the pleura. Dramatic negative intrathoracic pressure occurs during inspiration prior to a cough, and high positive intrathoracic pressure occurs during a cough. This places the...

  • 11条记录