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一些良性的病变也类似于恶性肿瘤,可出现扩大或多个新的肺结节,例如 风湿性关节炎,结节病,结核和霉菌感染 Several benign conditions can appear with enlarging or multiple new pulmonary nodules i.e.rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, TBC or funga...
双针技术 Fix lung area near small lesion with thin puncture needle first, then biopsy target lesion (tandem-technique) 先用细穿刺针固定小病变附近的肺区,再用活检针穿刺病变(双针技术)...
If there is central necrosis, retrieve sample @ margin 如果大病变中央部分有坏死,取病变的周边部分进行活检 Bx of cavernous lesion: several, various angulated needle paths for sampling @ lesion`s margin 若海绵样病变选取几种不同角度的进针路径...