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JVIR 2016;27:1478-1486 1,308 women 21 prospective series 1 poor quality randomized trial...
isolated SCP with Superficial Chronic Venous Insufficiency (SCVI)...
盆腔充血综合征在妇科门诊的常规检查中常常被错过。影像学检查的选择非常重要。对于常常是生育年龄的女性病人,很明显需要低辐射检查。同时,采用敏感性高, 特异性强和病人可接受的检查最好。遗憾的是,至今没有非常有效的非侵入性检查方法诊断盆腔充血综合...
硬化治疗还包括应用 Cyanoacrylate Glue 按1:3的比例与碘油混合 Mixed at a ratio of 1:3 with Ethiodol 微导管与5F导管共轴 Used microcatheter through 5 F catheter 放置微导管在静脉的远端 Placed microcatheter at distal vein 沿卵巢静脉全长缓慢注射...
硬化治疗 (Sclerotherapy)【1】 2 ml 3% STS (Sotradecol) + 8 ml 空气 2~10ml注射器用三通连接 Place in 2 10 ml syringes connected with a 3-way stopcock 4-5F导管 选择性进入卵巢静脉内4-5 F catheter in the ovarian vein 评价需要充盈静脉的量 Eval...
Department of Radiology Division of Vascular And Interventional Radiology Consent for Uterus Artery Embolization INTRODUCTION: You have been diagnosed as having ______________________________________. Your doctors feel that the best treatm...
于既往流行病学调查统计做的很少,存在诊断标准不统一,资料来源不同,调查资料的年龄构成比不同等不利因素,至今子宫肌瘤的确切患病率尚不明了。以下为中国的统计资料 作者 时间 调查人数 子宫肌瘤发病率 文献 王世阎 70s 全国各地 25~30岁以上 0.16%~ 2....
Reasons to use a microcatheter Difficult to access vessel Spasm Bypass non-uterine branches Personal preference...
At this time it is too early to propose an embolization by Onyx in first intention, but this technique seems interesting in complex cases with large connections to decrease the number of cols and the pain in the immediate follow up. More d...
术后处理 子宫肌瘤栓塞是一个微创手术,其恢复期为7-10天。与手术的重要性相当,恢复...
术后处理 栓塞后综合症的处理 子宫肌瘤栓塞是一个微创手术,其恢复期为7-10天。与手术...
1. 什么方法说服病人进行子宫肌瘤动脉栓塞最有效? 2. 和病人谈话时那些重要的并发症...