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Diagnosed pathology, type of intervention and results of treatment of patients with diagnosed PCS【1】 Outcomes of clinical trials trials 1....
Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) affects 24% of women worldwide; the cause cannot be identified in 40% despite invasive investigations. 慢性盆腔疼痛(CPP)影响全球24%的女性;尽管进行有创诊断,但40%的妇女无法确定病因。 Dilated, refluxing pelvic vein...
Chung MH, et al. Tohoku J Exp Med (2003), 201, 131-138 -118 patients with PCS -Group A (OV embolisation) n=52 -Group B (Hysterectomy + BO + HRT) n=32 -Group C (Hysterectomy + UO) n=34 (3 pts. excluded, for bilateral involvement)??? One in...
JVIR 2016;27:1478-1486 1,308 women 21 prospective series 1 poor quality randomized trial...
硬化治疗还包括应用 Cyanoacrylate Glue 按1:3的比例与碘油混合 Mixed at a ratio of 1:3 with Ethiodol 微导管与5F导管共轴 Used microcatheter through 5 F catheter 放置微导管在静脉的远端 Placed microcatheter at distal vein 沿卵巢静脉全长缓慢注射...
Iliac Vein Occlusion And CPP J VascSurg: Venous and LymDis 2015;3:283-9 Evidence Level -III 19 patients 7 patients also OV reflux 1 embolized US, CT and IVUS Mean F/U 11 months complete resolution pelvic pain 15/19 patients Dyspareunia 14/...
To compare the safety and efficacy of two embolic agents for the treatment of pelvic congestion syndrome Prospective, single blinded, randomized Chronic pelvic pain for more than 6 months Increased venous caliber (6 mm) in US One of the fo...
WHY PCS AND LOWER LIMB VARICOSITIES? INCONTINENCE Uterine veins Vaginal veins Perineal veins...