CT引导下经皮肺活检时,是否用生理盐水封针道有利于降低气胸的发生率? 连续接受CT引导下肺肿瘤活检的患者。
虽然这是个回顾性的研究,病例数相对少,但在一定程度上也反应了水封针道的技术有进一步研究的需要 研究表明,在经皮CT引导下的肺活检后,使用生理盐水密封针道,可显著降低气胸的发生率,并有减少胸管引流的趋势。盐水密封在效率上似乎与其他密封技术相当,具有更安全、更便宜和更容易使用的优点。 1. Heerink W, de Bock G, de Jonge G, Groen H, Vliegenthart R, Oudkerk M. Complication rates of CT-guided transthoracic lung biopsy: meta-analysis. European radiology. 2017;27(1):138-48. 2. Tsai IC, Tsai WL, Chen MC, Chang GC, Tzeng WS, Chan SW, et al. CT-guided core biopsy of lung lesions: a primer. AJR American journal of roentgenology. 2009;193(5):1228-35. 3. Lang EK, Ghavami R, Schreiner VC, Archibald S, Ramirez J. Autologous blood clot seal to prevent pneumothorax at CT-guided lung biopsy. Radiology. 2000;216(1):93-6. 4. Huo YR, Chan MV, Habib AR, Lui I, Ridley L. Post-Biopsy Manoeuvres to Reduce Pneumothorax Incidence in CT-Guided Transthoracic Lung Biopsies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2019;42(8):1062-72. 5. Billich C, Muche R, Brenner G, Schmidt SA, Kruger S, Brambs HJ, et al. CT-guided lung biopsy: incidence ofpneumothorax after instillation of NaCl into the biopsy track. Eur Radiol. 2008;18(6):1146-52.1 6. Li Y, Du Y, Luo TY, Yang HF, Yu JH, Xu XX, et al. Usefulness of normal saline for sealing the needle track after CT-guided lung biopsy. Clin Radiol. 2015;70(11):1192-7. 7. Khorochkov E, Garvin GJ, Potoczny S, Kozak RI. Injection of Saline Into the Biopsy Tract and RapidPatient Rollover Decreases Pneumothorax Size Following Computed Tomography-Guided Transthoracic Needle Biopsy. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2018;69(4):489-92. 8. Babu SB, Srinivasan S, Chung R, Chawla A, Tan HK, Lohan R. Tract sealing with normal saline after percutaneous transthoracic lung biopsies. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2020;64(2):211-4. 9. Lynch DA, Austin JH, Hogg JC, Grenier PA, Kauczor HU, Bankier AA, et al. CT-Definable Subtypes of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Statement of the Fleischner Society. Radiology.2015;277(1):192-205. 10. Drumm O, Joyce EA, Blacam Cd, Gleeson T, Kavanagh J, McCarthy E, et al. CT-guided Lung Biopsy: Effect of Biopsy-side Down Position on Pneumothorax and Chest Tube Placement. Radiology.2019;292(1):190-6.6. |