![]() CT引导下的优点是精确的解剖识别。患者的位置即为病变的位置和大小,一般是一个患者耐受的位置(tolerate positioning)。仰卧位是最常见的位置,仰卧位相对于前肋,后肋的运动相对少,后肋间隙款,俯卧位 ![]()
Trick: Lower CT-table to gain more Space
考虑到有效性/准确性 CT仍然是最好的影像引导下穿刺活检工具,它可以多平面和多角度成像 Considering an effectivness/accuracy ratio CT
remains probably, the best cross-section multi-plane imaging method to guide a biopsy.
尤其是胸部CT还是唯一允许快速、准确的方法引导活检针的安全定位。Regarding specifically the thorax CT still is the only method that allows a fast, accurate and safe positioning of a biopsy needle.
1. 排除恶性疾病。诊断恶性病变,指导和计划恶性病变的化疗,放疗,手术治疗和热消融治疗 CT-guide biopsy of toracic lesions has a major role in excluding malignant disease and diagnosing malignant lesions in view of planning the best therapeutical measures (chemo, radio, surgery, thermal).
2. 精准医疗基于分子表型和基因的治疗也需要活检 Genetical individual therapies will be the future (sampling needs)
3. 内科治疗和疾病复发的随访 Follow-up of medical therapies and disease recurrency 肺穿刺活检需要仔细研究和定位肺部的病变 在活检前,获得3mm厚的连续轴向扫描来定位并确认病变。选择最佳的窗宽和窗位以便同时观察血管、肿瘤、气胸、骨、软组织和脂肪。 |