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肺功能限制 Pulmonary Function Limitations
- 肺动脉高压 ( 在CT上或更好地由Swan-Ganz压力读数确定 ) Pulmonary hypertension (as determined on CT or better by Swan-Ganz pressure readings)
- 正压通气可能导致气胸或加重支气管静脉瘘并导致空气栓塞 Positive pressure ventilation may lead to pneumothorax or aggravate a bronchovenous fistula and lead to air embolism
- 严重的肺大疱性肺气肿 Severe bullous emphysema
- 对侧肺切除 Contralateral pneumonectomy
- 囊棘球蚴 Hydatid cyst
- 复发性咳嗽(咳嗽应处方)Recurrent cough (cough suppressants should be prescribed)
镇静剂 禁忌症 Contraindications to Sedation
Determination of periprocedural anesthesia risk is institution dependent.
Many hospitals require physicians to assess the patient using the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) Physical Classification System and a Mallampati score.
Ⅰ级 | 体格健康,发育营养良好,各器官功能正常。围手术期死亡率0.06%-0.08%; |
Ⅱ级 |
Ⅲ级 |
Ⅳ级 | 并存病严重,丧失日常活动能力,经常面临生命威胁。围手术期死亡率7.80%-23.0%; |
Ⅴ级 | 无论手术与否,生命难以维持24小时的濒死病人。围手术期死亡率9.40%-50.7%; |
VI级 | 确证为脑死亡,其器官拟用于器官移植手术。 |
The ASA in 2014 provided greater detail to the classification regarding what constitutes a threat to life .
Symptomatic CHF, sepsis, and myocardial infarction or stroke within 3 months constitute class 4 disease.
In general, an uncontrolled or worsening neurologic, respiratory, cardiac, hematologic, or renal situation can qualify as a threat to life.
If the patient is ASA class 4 or higher, has unstable risk factors not qualifying as ASA class 4, and/or has any other anesthetic risk factors (such as a "difficult" airway), then some institutions and authors recommend or even require that the patient should have anesthesiology and/or other clinical subspecialist consultation prior even to otherwise "low risk" sedation procedures (Cohn S, ed.
This consultation is to determine whether the risk factor is modifiable/able to be made stable and/or whether extra help should be available during the procedure.
It is suboptimal patient care for the radiologist to discover risk factors the day of the procedure and/or to proceed with the biopsy out of the desire to "just get it over with.
" Patients with difficult airways or low threshold for sequelae of pneumothorax may need to have extra equipment and medications available in the room and/or healthcare personnel made available prior to the procedure to assist with complications.
SIR "standards of practice" recommendations for the cessation of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications for interventional radiology procedures are categorized based on hemorrhage risks from level 1 to level 3.
美国“实践标准” 推荐介入放射学操作停止抗血小板和抗凝药物的建议根据出血风险从1级至3级进行分类。【Part I:Davidson 2019】【Part II :Patel 2019】
Percutaneous lung lesion biopsy is classified as a level 2 procedure. For such procedures, the SIR recommends an INR of no more than 1.5 and a platelet count of at least 50,000 cells/microliter.
Percutaneous lung lesion biopsy is classified as a level 2 procedure. For such procedures, the SIR recommends an INR of no more than 1.5 and a platelet count of at least 50,000 cells/microliter.
The same guidelines offer specific criteria for the cessation of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications for level 2 procedures.
同样的指南为二级手术的抗血小板和抗凝药物提供了停止的具体标准【Patel 2013】。
In the Johns Hopkins Surgical Risk Classification System, which is based primarily on the potential need for blood replacement, percutaneous lung lesion biopsy is considered to be a category 2 procedure (blood loss up to 500 cc) on a scale of 1-4.
This is equivalent in risk to laparoscopic cholecystectomy and inguinal hernia repair.
Both of these procedures are almost always performed with the aid of an anesthesiologist or certified registered nurse anesthetist present who can help with hemodynamic correction, as well as with airway maintenance and analgesia.
A rapid large pneumothorax can cause a degree of chest pain similar to that of a heart attack or aortic dissection.
Some lesions can be anticipated to be highly vascular, such as a renal cell carcinoma or melanoma metastasis.
It may be that there is no more reasonable alternative than percutaneous lung lesion biopsy for the next step in a patient's management despite one of the above contraindications.
A patient may have poor cardiopulmonary function that would be more likely to lead to death during surgery than during pneumothorax, pulmonary hemorrhage, or other complication from lung biopsy.
Or the diagnosis of cancer may be considered too tenuous in the mind of the oncologist that treatment with radiation or chemotherapy would be considered unacceptable without tissue confirmation.
In these circumstances, as suggested by the language of the NCCN and ACCP guidelines, it is the responsibility of a team of physicians (primary care, oncology, surgery, pulmonology, etc. to work together to optimize the patient ( respiratory function, blood pressure, glucose level, coagulation ability), to be ready to assist immediately for percutaneous lung lesion biopsy complications, and to set expectations for the patient.
其它可能风险 Other
The reality of percutaneous lung lesion biopsy is that it is often performed on highly mobile targets without the use of real-time imaging guidance.
In this setting, a "noncooperative" patient (i.e.a person who cannot lie still or breathe in a controlled fashion for the time needed to perform the biopsy) is a major contraindication to continuing with the procedure.
在这种情况下,一个非合作的病人(i.e.不能静止躺下或控制呼吸进行活检所需的时间)是继续活检的主要禁忌症【Lai 2012】。
Cooperation is usually a modifiable risk factor (discussed in brief below). 合作通常是一个可修改的风险因素(下文将简要讨论)。
Pretreatment histopathology: always?
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In the setting of a resectable and highly suspicious lesion for lung cancer, preoperative biopsy maybe unnecessary
肺活检禁忌症 Contraindications?!
1) 不能纠正的凝血障碍 Significant coagulopathy that cannot be adequately corrected
2) 严重的呼吸功能不全(最大呼气容积<35%) Severe respiratory insufficiency (FEV<35%)
3) 肺动脉高压>50mmHg(Pulmonary hypertension > 50 mmHg)
4) 肺气肿晚期 Advanced pulmonary Emphysema
5) 无安全的穿刺路径 Lack of safe pathway to the lesion
6) 活检位置不能或不配合 Inability of the patient to cooperate/ be positioned for the procedure
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1. 切除后的临时检查
2. 最佳治疗(肺叶切除&淋巴结清扫)
PET/CT 有助于肺结节的处理:减少不必要的穿刺
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patient with newly diagnosed uterine cervical cancer → curative tx |
没有代谢的孤立性肺结节:Reduce the need of puncture of non-enhancing solid nodules > 1 cm
o 多学科讨论和伦理委员会评估的患者 MDT discussion and B/R evaluation
o 肺功能不好 Altered lung function (FEV1 < 35%)
o 其它凝血障碍 Other coagulopathies
o 肺动脉高压 PAH
o 一个(单个)肺的患者 Single lung patient
o 不合作患者 Uncooperative patient 在任何情况下 患者都必须配合,因为他们需要在手术和恢复期限制活动。