Placenta previa is a type of placenta that extends partially or completely over the internal cervical oss [1]. 前置胎盘是胎盘部分或完全延伸到宫颈内的胎盘[1]。 Placenta previa is one of the leading causes of widespread postpartum hemorrhage and maternal mortality worldwide [2]. 前置胎盘是世界范围内广泛发生的术后出血和孕产妇死亡的主要原因之一[2]。 The prevalence of placenta previa in women is 0.56 % [3]. 女性前置胎盘的患病率为0.56 % [3]。 The risk of hysterectomy after cesarean delivery in the case of placenta previa is 3.5 %, which is higher compared to mothers without it. 前置胎盘患者剖宫产后行子宫切除术的风险为3.5%,比没有前置胎盘的产妇要高。 Increasing the rate of cesarean delivery due to placenta previa has a significant effect on the cost of gynecological medical care [4]. 增加前置胎盘剖宫产率对妇科医疗费用有显著影响[4]。 The main cause of placenta previa is unknown. 导致前置胎盘的主要原因尚不清楚。 Maternal age, previous cesarean section, abortion, uterine myoma, high body mass index, high infant weight, male fetal, maternal tobacco use, and history of uterine surgery are among the predisposing factors of this disease [5]. 产妇年龄、既往剖宫产、流产、子宫肌瘤、高体重指数、高婴儿体重、男性胎儿、产妇使用、子宫手术史是的诱发因素[5]。 Another cause of bleeding in pregnant women is placental adhesions. 孕妇出血的另一个原因是粘连。 placental adhesions is an abnormal invasion of the placenta to the uterine wall and is classified as accreta, percreta, or increta depending on the degree of invasion of the myometrium [5, 6]. 胎盘粘连是胎盘向子宫壁浸润的一种异常,根据子宫肌层的侵犯程度分为粘连性胎盘、穿透性胎盘或植入性胎盘[5,6]。 ![]() The prevalence of placental accreta spectrum in the third trimester in pregnant women is between 0.3 and 2 %; this is a life-threatening condition and approximately 90 % of these patients require blood transfusion [7, 8]. 孕妇第三期妊娠胎盘植入谱系(placental accreta spectrum)的患病率在0.3和2%之间;这是一种危及生命的情况,大约90%的患者需要输血[7,8] In many countries around the world, cesarean section is a growing trend that has increased cases of placental adhesions, which in turn has increases concerns [7]. 在世界上许多国家,剖宫产是一种不断增长的趋势,它增加了胎盘粘连的病例,这反过来又增加了对此的关注[7]。 Establishing homeostasis in placenta requires the use of surgical techniques. 稳定胎盘需要使用外科手术技术。 These methods include multiple placement of hemostatic sutures in the placental bed, compression sutures of the uterus with or without intrauterine balloon tamponade, use of FLOSEAL in the placental bed, and uterin artery lrgation [9–13]. 这些方法包括在胎盘床多次放置止血缝合线,子宫压缩缝合线有无内子宫球囊压塞,在胎盘床使用漂浮物,子宫内动脉缝合[9-13]。 If these surgical procedures to control bleeding are unsuccessful, hysterectomy is the usual solution to save the patient’s life [14]. 如果这些控制出血的手术方法不成功,子宫切除术是挽救患者生命的通常解决方案[14]。 However, extensive bleeding often makes surgical treatment even more challenging. 然而,广泛的出血往往使手术治疗更具挑战性。 Therefore, preventive measures to reduce bleeding can be beneficial [9]. 因此,预防措施对减少出血是有益的[9]。 Recently, preoperative placement of internal iliac artery catheters with intraoperative arterial balloon occlusion has become a common preventive procedure [15]. 近年来,术前放置髂内动脉导管并术中动脉球囊闭塞已成为一种常见的预防性方法[15]。 Collapsed intra-arterial balloons do not completely block blood flow to the uterus, yet they lower blood pressure to the site of obstruction. 塌陷的动脉内球囊并不能完全阻断流向子宫的血液,但它们能降低确定到阻塞部位的血压。 By reducing the amount of bleeding, hemostatic methods can be more practical [16– 22]. 通过减少出血量,止血方法可以更加实用。 Obstructive balloon occlusion was first described by Dubois et al. 阻塞性球囊闭塞由Dubois等人首次描述。 as, and has since led to dissimilar outcomes in patients with adhesions, making it a controversial procedure [23]. 在粘连患者中导致了不同的结果,使其成为有争议的前[23]。 Nonetheless, the advantages of this method include reducing bleeding in the area of surgery to achieve homeostasis or hysterectomy [24]. 尽管如此,该方法的优点包括减少手术区域的出血,以实现稳态或子宫切除术[24]。 Considering the importance of reducing bleeding due to placenta previa and Placenta accreta spectrum to reduce their mortality among pregnant women, and also due to the inconsistent results from research in this area, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the effect prophylactic internal iliac artery balloon occlusion in patients with placenta previa or Placenta accreta spectrum. 考虑减少前置胎盘和胎盘植入谱出血对于降低孕妇的死亡率的重要性,但也由于不一致的研究结果,这个系统回顾和荟萃分析目标是决定预防性髂内动脉球囊闭塞患者前置胎盘或胎盘植入谱效果。 |