已知孤立性胃静脉曲张存在于门静脉高压患者100多年【1】,然而只在过去20年才开始研究。很多问题依然未知。 1. 门静脉高压患者胃静脉曲张精确发生率 2. 几乎没有关于胃静脉曲张的自然病史信息。只知道出血率比食道静脉曲张少,但并发症和死亡率高 3. 胃静脉曲张出血来自有或没有食道静脉曲张的确切情况不清 主要由于相对较少的文献。 胃静脉曲张(gastric varices),或者说孤立性胃静脉曲张(isolated gastric varices),大约占肝硬化门静脉高压患者的5%和33%【2】。虽然他们出血的频率低于EV-仅占静脉出血的10%-30%,但出血往往很严重,输血要求较高【2】
S K Sarin 1, D Lahoti, S P Saxena, N S Murthy, U K Makwana Prevalence, classification and natural history of gastric varices: a long-term follow-up study in 568 portal hypertension patients. Hepatology . 1992 Dec;16(6):
GV通常与粗大胃肾分流(GRS)相关,具有“下坡”(downhill)引流,而不是通过半奇静脉系统“上坡(uphill)”引流【3】。 ![]()
![]() 因此,GV出血(GVH)的治疗需要一种与EV不同的治疗方法 都曾有哪些方法可供选择? 1. 根据美国肝病研究协会的说法,内镜治疗目前被认为是GV的一线治疗方法【6】。TIPS作为二线治疗。
2. 最近,内超声弹簧栓子和胶在处理GV的过程中显示出了良好的效果,但可能不足以满足那些与大门腔分流相关的效果【7】。
Additionally, B-RTO is a proven therapy for patients with severe recurrent shunt-related HE, unresponsive to medical therapy[40,42].
Thus, patients with spontaneous portosystemic shunts, who are at high risk of developing HE after TIPS can safely undergo B-RTO.
However, occlusion of GRS can also aggravate the PH.
Long term follow-up of patients undergoing B-RTO revealed development or aggravation of esophageal and duodenal varices, ascites, hydrothorax, and PHG【40】
Prospective studies and meta-analysis comparing TIPS and B-RTO in the management of GV have found that B-RTO is at least as efficacious as TIPS in controlling the acute bleeding with a trend towards a lower incidence of rebleeding[43-46].
Of note, B-RTO was associated with lower post procedure HE and mortality at one year.
More recently, a combination of TIPS and B-RTO has been utilized for the management of GV【32】
Since the obliteration of GRS can lead to worsening of PH, simultaneous or staged placement of TIPS could ameliorate the associated symptoms.
The combined procedure can also reduce the risk of development of HE since GRS are often larger in diameter and have higher flow rates compared to TIPS.
Moreover, occluding a competing GRS (shunt steal phenomenon) may decrease the risk of TIPS dysfunction in the long run.
Typically, TIPS is performed first, and a splenoportal venogram is obtained.
The GRS is cannulated retrogradely, and suitable sized coils or vascular plug deployed.
The inflow vein is then occluded with a balloon and sclerosant injected into the variceal complex to achieve complete obliteration.
Conversely, doing B-RTO first may make TIPS less technically challenging in cases where the portal vein is severely attenuated due to the siphoning of blood away from the liver by the large GRS.
These tiny portal veins can be difficult to target during TIPS.
Following B-RTO, due to the diversion of blood towards the liver, portal vein caliber may improve, making it easier to access.
A proposed algorithm for the management of GVH is shown in Figure Figure33.
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7. Khoury T, Massarwa M, Daher S, Benson AA, Hazou W, Israeli E, Jacob H, Epstein J, Safadi R. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Angiotherapy for Gastric Varices: A Single Center Experience. Hepatol Commun. 2019;3:207–212
8. Saad WE, Darcy MD. Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) vs Balloon-occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration (BRTO) for the Management of Gastric Varices. Semin Intervent Radiol. 2011;28:339–349. |