时间:2021-01-11 08:57来源:未知 作者:Mr.Editor
塑型支气管炎(Plastic Bronchitis PB)) Formation of large gelatinous or rigid branching airway casts 胸导管注射美兰 PB-TD injection with MB Itkin et al, Annals of American Thoracic Society 2016 Embolization-Lipiodol 术前 术后 成人塑型支气
塑型支气管炎(Plastic Bronchitis PB))
Formation of large gelatinous or rigid branching airway casts |
胸导管注射美兰 PB-TD injection with MB
Itkin et al, Annals of American Thoracic Society 2016
成人塑型支气管炎 Adult (Lymphatic)Plastic Bronchitis
Itkin et al, Annals of American Thoracic Society 2016
Adult (Lymphatic)Plastic Bronchitis-TD Injection
7 Patients (six months)
6 Patients-MR and lymphangiogram evidence of pulmonary perfusion
- 6 patients
- 1 patients twice
- 1 patient three times
- 6 complete cure
Itkin, M., et all (2016). Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphatic Plastic Bronchitis in Adults Using Advanced Lymphatic Imaging and Percutaneous Embolization., AnnalsATS.201604–292OC.
塑性支气管炎(PB)是由分支支气管铸型的咳痰所定义的,如果不祛痰,可能导致窒息/死亡 |
DCMRL和IL显示肺淋巴流异常。虽然栓塞异常淋巴流是可能的,但TD支架排除异常流量是一种替代治疗方法 |
塑型支气管炎胸导管支架技术细节 Thoracic duct stenting
淋巴结造影和明确胸导管入路后,经贵要静脉穿刺,经血管桥0.018导丝,引导血管内抓捕器到静脉角 |
血管内抓捕器抓住胸导管内进入静脉的0.018导丝,建立through to through的通路,6Fr鞘进入胸导管,直径5mm Viabahn 覆膜支架释放,并用5mm直径的球囊扩张 |
术后造影剂注射显示胸导管淋巴流正常。 |