Optical Colonoscopy
赞成 PROS:
应该成为下消化道出血最初始诊断方法 It should be initial diagnostic procedure for LGIG
同时兼具诊断和治疗的作用 Diagnostic and therapeutic role
活检可能 Biopsy is possible
直接观察结肠粘膜 Direct colonic mucosa visualization
缺点 CONS:
不能用于生命体征不稳定的病人 Not possible in hemodynamically unstable patients
不可能或不能用于没有结肠准备的病人 Not possible or not useful without colon preparation
不能用于小肠出血的结肠 Not useful for small bowel
不能每天24小时应用 Not always available 24h/7d,有限医院具备胃肠镜夜间值班医生
侵入性检查(穿孔危险)It is invasive (risk of perforation)
治疗后再出血25% rebleeding rate after therapeutic procedure
Multidetector CT (MDCT)
▲不需要准备 No preparation is required & 24/7
▲ 非侵入性 Non-invasive
▲ 精确信息 Accurate information:
▲ 存在或缺乏活动性出血 Presence or absence of active bleeding
▲ 出血的位置,来源和病因 Bleeding site, source and cause
▲ 显示完全的血管解剖 Displays complete vascular anatomy
▲ 高度敏感 High sensitivity (0,3 ml/min)
▲ 检查范围包括小肠和结肠 Small bowel and Colon
▲ 可复制和可重复 Reproducible and Revisable
▲ 没有活检取样的机会 No chance for biopsy sampling
▲ 面膜观察能力差 Poor mucosal visualization
● 多期检查分析 Multiphasic studies
● 检查时间 :可能的话,活动出血的时候 When: During active hemorrhage if possible
● 包括完全的腹部和盆腔 Include complete abdomen and pelvis
● 无需口服造影剂 No oral contrast
● 1毫米层厚 1 mm thickness slice
● 4毫升/秒+50ml 盐水 高压注射器注射 Power injector at 4ml/s rate plus 50 ml of Saline
● 100-125毫升造影剂 100 – 125 ml of contrast (≥ 300 mg/ml of iodine)
● 自动団注触发 Automated bolus triggering (150 HU threshold)
MDCT: Findings on Acute GI Bleeding
● 活动性出血:染色 Active bleeding: blush
● 最近出血:高CT值血凝块(≥90) Recent bleeding: hyperattenuating clots (≥90 HU)
● 造影剂外溢改变表现 Changing appearance of the extravasated contrast
● 静脉期活动性出血更大和更明显 Active bleeding is larger and more intense in venous phase
● 静脉早起引流:血管发育不良 Early-draining veins: angiodysplasia
● 最大密度投影:血管解剖 MIP reformations: Vascular anatomy
● 注意陷阱 Be careful with pitfalls
99m Tc-labeled red blood cells
最敏感的影像学方法 Most sensitive imaging method
花费时间 Time consuming
不能够精确定义出血的解剖来源 It is not able to define precisely the anatomic source of the bleeding
适合隐匿性和间断消化道出血 Indicated for Obscure and Intermittent GI Bleeding
适合当内镜或MDCT为阴性时候 Indicated when findings of endoscopy and MDCT are negative
DSA (cone beam CT, automatic vessel detection software)
Videocapsule endoscopy
隐匿性消化道出血的金标准 Gold standard for Obscure GI Bleeding
☑ 非创伤性 Non-invasive
☑ 阳性结果 70% Positive results: 70%
☑ 消耗时间 Time consuming
☑ 不能获取活检 No ability to obtain biopsy
☑ 并发症≤ 1% Complications ≤ 1%
✔ 急性上消化道出血,首先是胃镜(Acute UGIB: endoscopy first)
✔ 急性下消化道出血,MDCT优先(尽管没有指南)Acute LGIB: MDCT first (no guidelines yet)
✔ 没有肠道准备的结肠镜没用或没可能 (Colonoscopy without bowel preparation is not useful or possible)
✔ DSA之前 增强CT(Multiphase MDCT without oral contrast always before DSA)
✔ 下消化道出血栓塞和外科治疗是针对靶向目标治疗 (LGIB embolization and surgery are target therapies)
✔ 危及生命的下消化道出血栓塞优先选择(Embolization is the first option for life threatening LGIB)
✔ 阳性CT表现,不足以表明适合下消化道出血的栓塞治疗 (A positive MDCT is not enough to indicate a LGIB embolization)
▲ 导管位置固定 Have catheter well seated,在注射造影剂情况下,有时导管会向后撤
▲ 注射足够的造影剂 Inject enough contrast
▲ 胰高血糖素Glucagon或 654-2 抑制肠蠕动(bowel paralysis)
▲ 憋气 , breath holding,
▲ 肠内内充气 air infufflation
▲ 确定解剖部位全覆盖 Make sure to cover the anatomic distribution,小一点的影像增强器可能不能全覆盖,降低管球或多次采集摄影
不能全覆盖 failure to cover full extent of artery)
右结肠动脉出自腹腔动脉,痣上动脉在范围之外 |
中心太靠上 Failing to Center Low Enough
▲ 如果出血没有发现再注射 Re-inject if bleeding not seen initially
▲ 使用短促呼吸 Use breathing runs (不能憋气者)
▲ 先肠系膜下动脉,再肠系膜上动脉,避免肾盂或膀胱显影影像观察
▲ 全麻下停呼吸,如果可能的话,最好