Venous malformations are very commonly encountered [ɪn'kaʊntəd] in interventional radiologic practice.
Indications for therapy are clearly defined [dɪ'faɪnd] based on the lesion's impact on patient's quality of life.
Screening laboratory coagulation studies in patients with historical [hɪˈstɒrɪkl] or lesion morphologic risk factors often reveal abnormal coagulation parameters [pə'ræmɪtəz] consistent with localized intravascular coagulation* or more severe coagulo'pathic states.
These may require chronic or periprocedural medical management to avoid potentially life-threatening disseminated intravascular coagulation or other thromboembolic phenomena [fɪˈnɑmənə].
Once a multidisciplinary [ˌmʌltidɪsəˈplɪnəri] decision to treat a venous malformation is made, one must decide between percutaneous and/or surgical techniques.
Sclerotherapy with adjunctive stasis of efflux ['eflʌks] (STASE) techniques have become the mainstay of therapy for most venous malformations as they are well-tolerated [ˈtɔləreitid] and effective.
STASE techniques work primarily by the administration of sclerosant [sklɪə'rəʊzənt] (s) exerting [iɡˈzə:tɪŋ] an inhibitory and/or endotheliocidal effect on venous malformation endothelium [ˌendəʊ'θi:lɪəm] leading to thrombosis, involution ['ɪnvə'lju:ʃən] 消退,退化, and fibrosis, and secondarily via adjunctive outflow occlusion using any combination of local compression, balloons, gelatin[ˈdʒelətɪn], coils, laser, radiofrequency, or adhesives [æd'hɪsɪvz] to improve sclerosant penetration and dwell-time (停留时间)in the lesion.
使用硬化剂对静脉畸形内皮产生抑制和/或内皮杀灭作用,导致血栓形成、退化和纤维化,其次是使用局部压迫、球囊、明胶、线圈、激光、射频或粘合剂激光、射频或粘合剂,以改善硬化剂的渗透和停留时间。 Adhesives [æd'hɪsɪvz] alone can fill the lesion to facilitate [fəˈsɪlɪteɪt] surgical resection in some cases. 单独使用粘合剂可以填充病变,以便在某些情况下进行手术切除。
Common sclerosants in modern practice include sodium tetradecyl [tetrə'desɪl] sulfate[ˈsʌlˌfet], bleomycin, polidocanol [pɒlɪdəʊ'kænəl] , ethanol [ˈeθənoʊl], and hypertonic [ˌhaɪpə'tɒnɪk] saline [ˈseɪlaɪn] .
Most agents can be given directly in unmodified unmodified or “neat [niːt] ” form or can be mixed with a gas to form a sclerofoam or embolic such as gelatin to form a sclerogel.
Choice and method of sclerosant delivery in each patient is based on
1. the intraluminal lesion volume 2. architecture 3. vital structure proximity 4. agent toxicity 5. viscosity [vɪ'skɒsətɪ] 6. level of experience of the interventional radiologist with that particular agent.
1. 腔内病变体积 2. 结构 3. 关键结构的接近 4. 栓塞剂的毒性 5. 粘稠度 6. 介入医生使用某种栓塞剂的经验水平
Multi-session STASE therapy usually reduces symptoms of chronic pain or mass with low risk of known complications of skin or nerve impairment [ɪmˈpermənt] , compartment [kəmˈpɑːrtmənt syndrome, hemoglobinuria [ˌhi:məˌgləʊbɪ'nʊərɪə] , deep venous thrombosis, or pulmonary phenomena.
Sclerotherapy with Adjunctive Stasis of Efflux (STASE): Techniques and Strategies ![]()
入路后:After access
硬化前:Before sclerotherapy: Phlebography 静脉造影:Phlebography
1. Legiehn GM, Heran MK. Venous malformations: classification, development, diagnosis, and interventional radiologic management.Radiol Clin North Am. 2008 May;46(3):545-97, vi.
2. Legiehn GM, Heran MK. Classification, diagnosis, and interventional radiologicmanagement of vascular malformations. Orthop Clin North Am. 2006 Jul;37(3):435-74, vii-viii. Review.
Venous Efflux Patterns This figure represents different phlebography pattern of venous malformation