What could be the best modality(ies) for follow-up in order to early detect local tumor progression after thermal ablation for lung cancer?
1. 疗效判定 2. 并发症评估 3. 早期复发发现 疗效判定包括 1. 血清学:血清学特异性指标变化,需要和生存期建立某种联系 2. 客观疗效:实体肿瘤判定标准(大小),同样也是考虑和生存期建立某种联系,客观疗效不一定和生存期相关 3. 生存期:是治疗的金标准。包括整体生存率等 Follow-up imaging after intervention:toward consensus
Literature review Among 241 articles: 81 analyzed, 38 finally selected 5 prospective studies
Number of patients included:2498
de Baère T, Aupérin A, Deschamps F, Chevallier P, Gaubert Y, Boige V, Fonck M, Escudier B, Palussiére J. Radiofrequency ablation is a valid treatment option for lung metastases: experience in 566 patients with 1037 metastases. Ann Oncol. 2015 May;26(5):987-91.
Studies mainly designed for evaluation of clinical results. Not for determination of the adequate strategy and method for FU 适当的策略和随访的方法