改善血液学的参数 To improve hematologic parameter
- 地中海贫血 (珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血)Thalassemia
- 特发性血小板性紫癜 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic pupura
纠正脾功能亢进血小板减少 To correct hypersplenism thrombocytopenia
- 脾功能亢进限制或妨碍化疗 Limiting or preventing chemotherapy
- 脾功能亢进限制干扰素治疗肝炎 Limiting interferon therapy for hepatitis
食道静脉曲张消化道出血 Variceal Bleeding
Virological response rate to interferon correlates with Rx completion
- 63% VR when treatment completed
- 31% VR when treatment discontinued
Interferon Rx for Hepatitis C can exacerbate TCP which may lead to reduction or discontinuation of interferon
Kondo et al did 70% PSE prior to anti-viral Rx
Platelet counts increased 71K to 121K p=0.0002
No patient discontinued treatment due to TCP
Viral response rate at end of treatment was 88.9%
Kondo - 2015 Intern Med 54:119
离肝门静脉血流 fHepatofugal portal vein
脾大和脾亢终末期 Terminal-stage disease causing secondary splenomegaly and hypersplenism
发热或严重感染 Pyrexia or severe infections