结直肠癌肝转移的自然病史 Natural history of CRLM
在欧洲,结直肠癌发病为38万Incidence of colorectal cancer in Europe is 380,000(three hundred and eighty thousand)
20%在诊断的时候同时有肝转移 20% have synchronous['sɪŋkrənəs] CRLM at diagnosis of primary tumour
另有25%异时出现结直肠癌肝转移 Another 25% develop metachronous CRLM
不治疗预后较差 Poor prognosis untreated
1年生存率31% (1 yr survival 31%)
3年生存率(3 yr survival 2.6%)
5~15%适合肝切除手术 Between 5-15% are suitable for surgery